我有資格續領 BNO 嗎?

2013-07-14 12:06 am
我的BNO於1996年申請, 2001年到期, 至今仍未續過! 但舊PASSPORT仍有保留並完好無缺! 我現在想續期, 請問我合資格享有這權利嗎? (我持有特區護照)

我在網上看了資料, 仍然不明白續領的資格的其中某些要求的意思!

You can renew your British passport if you registered as British National (Overseas) before 1 July 1997.

British National (Overseas) is a special type of British nationality for people born in Hong Kong or who had a close connection with Hong Kong.

You can’t register as British National (Overseas) now - the registration deadline was 1 July 1997.

例如: 1997年7月1日前, 未登記成為英國國民(海外)的人士,現在無法登記也不可以續領PASSPORT~

請問, 怎樣才知道我是否登記了? WITHIN 那段時間持有BNO是代表登記了, 還是當年有一些過度安排, 其他程序去登記呢... (因為1997年我才十來歲, 完全沒概念沒記憶當年到底是要怎樣申請安排之類...)

希望有專業人仕能回答! 謝謝!!!
(網上資料我有看過的, 不用COPY比我當回答, 只是看完內容後我真的不太明白, 希望有心人可詳細解答, 謝謝~ )

回答 (2)

2013-07-15 1:35 am




Hong Kong

Your application will take at least 4 weeks. Don’t book any travel until you’ve received your new passport.

Download the application form and guidance notes. Using the ‘Smart application form’ can help reduce errors on your application.

Include 2 identical new photos of you. Follow the rules about passport photos or your application may be delayed.

Include your current or previous British National (Overseas) passport and a copy of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card. If you’ve lost your identity card, you must send both a personal identification form (PDF, 64KB) and original proof of identity (eg driving licence, utility bill, bank statement).

Smart application form (fill in on screen, print and sign)

Download ‘Smart application form’ (PDF, 188KB)

Blank application form (print, fill in on paper and sign)

Download ‘Passport application form for adults aged 16 and over’ (135KB)

Guidance notes

Download ‘Guidance notes’ (PDF, 41KB)

Send your application to:

British Consulate-General
RPPC - 5th Floor
1 Supreme Court Road
Hong Kong
2013-07-14 9:12 am
As soon as you have a BN(O) Passport ever (even expired), you are a BN(O) and you can renew your passport (unless otherwise determined by HM Passport Office).

Since your passport has expired for a long time, please follow the procedure on the website and prepare for an interview (which is normal for those passports which have expired for a long time).

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