Is it true that before 1946 people can not become US citizen because they were not White ?

2013-07-13 2:34 am
Wow! Before 1946 people can not become US citizen because they were not White ? That is so bizarre! Why today's white Americans are so proud of their forefathers!! It is a real shame for a civilized nation! I think it is not so Civilized nations after all! That is why may be a crazy man can just walk to into an elementary school and shoot all innocent kids and they call it, No, It is Gun rights! Our beloved 2nd amendment! What a shame on you white folks!

回答 (3)

2013-07-13 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The person who told you that did not tell you the truth. The USA has had citizens of all races since its creation. At the time of the American Revolution there were some prominent Lawyers and other Professional People of all races that became citizens upon conclusion of the revolution.

In 1868 the 14 th amendment was passed as part of the reconstruction acts. It guarantees any person regardless of race, citizenship in the USA. Prior to the 14 th amendment, only freed slaves were considered full citizens.

Prior to the 14 th amendment, Slaves were counted as citizens for the purpose of deciding how many Representatives a state had in congress, but were given 1/5 citizen status. 5 slaves counted as one free person for the purposes of assigning the number of representatives a state was allowed.
參考: rc
2013-07-13 5:28 am
It could be true. there is always that. No one knows because you were not alive so history can be molded by the rulers, so what you read in history books is not true.
2013-07-13 2:36 am
Not at all true.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:38:18
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