Is my house haunted ?

2013-07-12 1:14 pm
Its 8am, I've been up all night because I'm not sleepy and I'm the only one that's awake
I'm in my room but I went to my living room more then once & nothing was playing on the laptop ( my mom watches a show on the laptop)
& now I went to the living room again and I heard someone talking.. I noticed the show on the laptop was playing ?
Everyone is sleeping.. Who put play ? :|
Did it just play byitself ? :/
I just paused it and went back to my room.. I'm kind of creeped out tho

回答 (5)

2013-07-12 1:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some laptops are really sensitive to movement around them, for example when I put mine down or on the floor it can turn on sometimes. Maybe you walking past it or up and down the stairs triggered something to move or turn on. I wouldn't put one experience of 'paranormal phenomena' down to a haunted house. These things just happen randomly sometimes!
2013-07-12 9:08 pm
It's your great great grandmother. Say hi to her :P
2013-07-12 8:16 pm
Can you get a cat to borrow? Cats can see ghosts and have been used several times to detect them. They're one of only a few animals that have this ability, and the only domestic type pet that can.
2013-07-12 8:18 pm
She probably hit play and went into her room to do something and fell asleep forgetting it was on. I mean, your house may be haunted you never know. im open minded anout that kninof stuff.
2013-07-12 9:54 pm
No, your house isn't haunted. We all love to believe in creepy stuff, but it's just imagination. Still, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and believe it all you want. Heck, it was probably just invisible aliens, though.

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