
2013-07-13 12:49 am
Upset about the breakup, Sonia______ to her mother, trying to seek comfort and support.(A)passed on (B)poured out her heart (C)changed her mind (D)set her heart on

The detective ____ the case with care, trying to find clues as to the identity of the murderer.(A)looked for (B)looked into (C)looked after (D)looked forward to

The city is named after the national hero ____ his bravery and wisdom.(A)in honor of (B)in celebration of (C)instead of (D)show concern for

A good lawyer should ____ his or her personal feelings ____ and make correct judgments.(A)hunt;down (B)lay;aside (C)bear;in mind (D)got;away

The novelist is traveling the world promoting his new book; ____,he`s working on a musical which is to be staged in autumn. (A)on the contrary (B)otherwise (C)in case (D)in the meantime
If we_____ a longer winter vacation, we would have gone abroad.(A)had have (B)have (C)had (D)have had

Mary made a decision ____she would get up early in the morning___ she might go to work on time. (A)which;so that (B)when;that (C)how;so (D)that;so that

There____a lot of natural resources in the mountains,but now they are all exploited.(A)used to (B)got used to (C)used to be (D)got used to be

You____lied to your parents. If you had told them the truth, the would have forgiven you.(A)must have (B)shouldn`t have (C)could not have (D)might have

We should show compassion for _____ suffer in Africa.(A)anyone who (B)he who (C)those who (D)no matter who

回答 (2)

2013-07-13 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
B.poured out her heart

B.looked into

A)in honor of


D)in the meantime


D)that;so that

(C)used to be

B)shouldn`t have

C)those who

2013-07-12 19:12:25 補充:
回樓下, Gigi:

"A good lawyer should ........"這題應是B而非C, 因為這題的意思應是 "一位好的律師應放下他/她的個人感情來作出正確的判斷" (C) bear...in mind的意思是把某東西記往. 所以不適用. (B)lay;aside 則可解成放到一邊, 所以可同於句子上成為 "把個人感情放到一邊"

"If we_____ a longer winter vacation......"答案應是C, 因為句中是指過去沒有發生的事所以是 'If'的condition 3, 所以應是 (A) had have (好像copy錯選項了...答案是A哦)
參考: me, me
2013-07-13 7:56 pm
If we_____ a longer winter vacation, we would have gone abroad.(A)had have (B)have (C)had (D)have had

If we had had ... would have gone ...過去完成式+would 完成式
選項的A可能打錯了,應是had had

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