I'll deliver to her when I rec

2013-07-12 11:03 pm
I'll deliver to her when I received. 這句話通嗎?

有人要寄東西給我代轉給某女士 我如此回答 文法時態有無問題?

可改為 I'll deliver to her when it is received. 這樣可以嗎?

回答 (6)

2013-07-12 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'll deliver it to her when I receive it.

2013-07-12 17:47:11 補充:
本句的副詞子句也可以用現在完成式:when I have received it

2013-07-13 10:01:33 補充:
I'll deliver it to her on receiving it.

2013-07-13 11:46:07 補充:
I'll deliver the book to her on receiving it.較合適,代名詞放在其代表的名詞後面才清楚.

2013-07-13 12:58:28 補充:
只有to deliver something to somebody
或to deliver something to something: Would you like to have the latest fashions delivered to your door?
或to deliver somebody from something = to free someone from an upleasant situation

2013-07-13 13:17:37 補充:
to deliver +間接受詞+直接受詞
Let's deliver him all our support.
= Let's deliver all our support to him.
see遠東新世紀英漢辭典p.368deliver A5解釋
2013-07-13 12:45 pm
003是可以的.但I'll deliver it to her when it arrives比較好.
2013-07-13 9:17 am

在這句中,“deliever”是及物動詞; 所以要說Deliver "it" to her才對。
2013-07-13 5:32 am
可改為 I'll deliver to her when it is received. 這樣可以嗎?

2013-07-13 01:41:23 補充:
那改為 I'll deliver it to her when it is received. 這樣可以嗎?

2013-07-13 10:20:45 補充:
謝謝各位指教! 再請教

I'll deliver the book to her on receiving it.

還是 I'll deliver it to her on receiving the book.


2013-07-13 12:50:18 補充:
謝謝! 再請教

I'll deliver the book to her on receiving it.


I'll deliver her the book on receiving it.

2013-07-13 12:13 am
1) Will follow your instruction upon which is receipted ;
2) Will re-forward on your behalf upon receipt ;
2013-07-12 11:40 pm
present perfect consists of part of the verb have with the past participle of the main verb,receive, used to express actions completed by the present , a particular point in the future.:-I have received;
Hence I'll deliver to her when I have received.

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