Is there any way for a teenager to make $1000 in a month?

2013-07-12 4:08 am
My mom just told me that we didn't have enough money to get me to Detroit for the jr Olympics an this is my 1st chance to go I was so excited to know I could go but then my mom was like oh that's going to cost over 1000 dollars so you probably won't be able to go. She dosent understand how much this means to me so she's not really helping me raise Money. So is their any way to raise that money in a month?

回答 (5)

2013-07-12 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
its too late ...why didn't you begin raising that cash for your trip before can you expect your Mom to pay when she has ALL those other damn bills every single month and then there's the food ...clothes ..etc...its basically never ending ...
2013-07-12 12:02 pm
let employers know your goal, starbucks maybe a good place to work.
2013-07-12 12:06 pm
not by legal work.

google 'crowd' funding where u can
pan handle on internet. proven means.

contact local shops for sponsorships.
參考: employer
2013-07-12 11:54 am
Of course you can. Go knock on doors to get an employment, tell your prospective employers this is for your funding going to Detroit for the Jr. Olympics. I am sure a lot of them are willing to hire you.
2013-07-12 11:09 am
I don't think that's possible.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:52:53
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