What do you think of interracial marriage?

2013-07-12 4:08 am
And do you think the government should stay out of marriage? The government only got involved in it in the first place to keep other races from marrying each other.

And no, I'm not a liberal.

回答 (14)

2013-07-12 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Interracial marriages are what they are,"A Marriage!" As long as they love, respect, honor and obey the Lord God and love and respect one another! Marriage is between a man and a woman! That is how all of us got here. The color of my skin should not stop me from marrying who I or you want to marry! The contents of my heart should be examined to see if I love others the way God say love!
People cannot help who they fall in love with.

The government have no business being in Church affairs. State/Government is separate from the Church, or so they say!
參考: A man that finds a wife, finds a good thing and is blessed/have favor with the Lord. (Proverbs 18:22) Hebrews 13:4 -Marriage is honorable in all, and the marriage bed is un-defiled; but whore-mongers and adulterers God will judge
2013-07-12 4:14 am
Two consenting humans reinforcing their relationship with a marriage vow. There's nothing wrong with that.
2013-07-12 4:15 am
I think Interracial marriage is the bomb.. And yeah I do think the government should get out..
2013-07-12 4:11 am
I think it's normal AF. Why should anyone have a problem with it? Don't like? Don't care. It ain't your BIZNESS kid.
2013-07-12 4:10 am
I have no objection to it.
2013-07-12 4:20 am
It should be banned, much like gay marriage.
參考: :-)
2013-07-12 4:11 am
Could not care either way. feel a bit sorry for the kids though...... they are neither meat nor fish**. Like some half baked cookie. (and mostly ugly, as if they inherited the worse of both partners).

** Millions of those in South Africa. (colloquial called "coloureds")
2013-07-12 4:18 am
I think it's just marriage. People make too big a deal out of it. Love is love. Even if the love isn't what you'd approve of, it's none of your business and it has no effect on your life if you choose not to partake of it.
2013-07-12 4:10 am
It's none of My Business- until it happens to Me. :)
參考: My View.
2013-07-12 4:15 am
Government AND religion should absolutely stay out of marriage.

There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage. It has been happening for awhile now, why should anyone have an issue with it? I know plenty of people who married someone from a different race, and many kids who are of mixed race. I myself am half Asian, half European (Italian and Romanian) and many people think it's interesting. I think mixing cultures is good for future generations.

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