
2013-07-11 9:11 am
我想在香港以外地區訂購一些正貨產品<如disney, kitty...>在香港零售,犯法嗎? 香港代理商可以告我嗎?

回答 (3)

2013-07-12 4:12 am
2013-07-11 12:31 pm
1. Yes.

2. Yes.

In Hong Kong, due to the language of Copyright Ordinance, basically all reselling activities, without the approval of the copyright holder or its agents, are illegal.

Even Hong Kong Customs and Excises Department may not enforce the law based on the products are genuine, the agent can still sue you in a civil court for damage (usually since you have genuine products, the actual copyright owner will not sue you).
2013-07-11 9:48 am
參考: 個人意見,祝生意興隆!

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