Hiroshima bombing was an accident?

2013-07-11 7:40 am
Let me straighten the history. This is a true story my grandfather told me (he was a pilot of b-24 liberator) and he wanted me to expose this stain of us government after he died. Atomic bombing of hiroshima was an accident. The b-29 carrying the bomb lost its way because sat nav was malfunctioning and the plane was running out of fuel. The bomb had to be jettisoned and the guy who had to unlock the bomb door thought the plane was over gobi desert. Unfortunately the bomb hit a power plant and caused massive explosion in the city. Americans thought it could be used as propaganda to threaten other countries that dont go our way. The rest is history. I know it sounds very peculiar but this is the truth. Please spread the truth.

Nagasaki was a hoax, US Army Air Force did fire bomb the city but they never dropped a single atomic bomb over nagasaki.


@kojak 1. Us never dropped any warning leaflet, thats a lie 2. They had external fuel tank and planned to refuel in ulan baatar, they miscalculated it and had to jettison the bomb 3. The fire bomb hit a secret nuclear power plant thats why 4. A mistake is still a mistake 5. All your arguments dont make any sense

回答 (19)

2013-07-11 10:03 am
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How exactly do you confuse a major city with a desert?
2013-07-11 8:52 am
I am willing to believe you except for a few little details...... why did America drop leaflets over Hiroshima warning them..... there were seven military targets in Hiroshima.....we warned them and many women a children were evacuated.....and even from the air and island surrounded by water does not look like a desert surrounded by mountains...... AND how could the plane reach the Gobi desert in central Asia when they barely had enough fuel to reach Japan.....many of our aircraft had to be ditched over China and the pilots rescued by Chinese......they fire bombed Tokyo.....but witnesses say only ONE bomb exploded in Nagasaki...... AND how did many of the victims in Nagasaki die of radiation poisoning when ....according to you.....only firebombs were use

FINALLY why would a "mistake" that worked,..... be a "stain"

As an ex-intelligence officer I would give that report an "F-1" rating.......

EDIT Not my arguments.....my questions.....and you only answered with no researchable proof.....ANSWER DEE I.....how could "Sat Nav" malfunction when there was no such thing in 1945.....we had no satellites until almost 20 years later???? and a mistake that ends the war is not a mistake.... it is a fortuitous accident.....BUT NOT A STAIN or something to be ashamed of .....the bombing of Dresden Germany was something to be ashamed of...... last year a Japanese banker who was in BOTH Nagasaki and Hiroshima.....died.....for the last 70+ years he said it was ONE BOMB....each.....and an "air burst" ......you cling to your fantasy.....NONE ARE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO WILL NOT SEE
2013-07-11 2:24 pm
Kool story kid, except for the following facts:-

A:- There was no "Sat Nav" back then because there were no Satellites in orbit.

B:- "thought he was over the Gobi Desert" ROFLMAO.

1:- Japanese Historical Files for the period of WW2 acknowledge the Americans dropped the leaflets prior to the attacks.

2:- The B-29 never had external fuel tanks.

3:- The Japanese never had any nuclear power plants back then. (nobody else had either).

4:- No source to back up your wacko claims is an even bigger mistake.

5:- Nothing of any sense in your claims either.
2013-07-11 10:44 am
If you were not a trolling child, you would know that the first man made satellite was placed in orbit around 1957 and there were no navigation satellites in existence until decades after WWII.
2013-07-11 7:52 am
So...what was the plane doing over japan then? Wake up kid!!! Average non American=snobbish asshole. Go spread your anti-American bullshit somewhere else!
2013-07-11 7:51 am
Liberator pilot huh?

Your grandfather would've had absolutely zero access to any information of the sort, and there is absolutely no way in hell that someone would confuse Hiroshima for the Gobi Desert...
2013-07-11 7:51 am
This is so ******* ridiculous.

How could someone possibly confused Japan for the Gobi desert? They are thousands of km's away.
Why would they even be over the Gobi desert for the pilot to think that?
I'm pretty sure under no circumstances would they of just dropped an atomic bomb because they were running out of fuel when it was their top secret weapon.
I suppose this same accident happened over Nagasaki a few days later right?

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened purposely to force Japan into a surrender to prevent a fuel scale invasion of the country, which would've cost many more millions of lives. It wasn't a ******* accident.

Read a goddamn history.
參考: Not being a moron
2013-07-12 12:34 pm
Umm... WTF?
I have a friend from Nagasaki and confirms it is a nuclear bomb.
Also, Hiroshima is a planned bombing but ended up in a wrong place because of navigation problems. But, the pilots in the Hiroshima know where they are: Japan.
And, if you still believes it is a hoax, check out Nagasaki for your next travel.

Additionally, don't trust old people. They can be crazy.
2013-07-13 2:12 pm
Even at 20,000 feet you can the difference between desert and a large city; get real.
2013-07-12 12:32 am
You can tell your grandfather is lying because in WW II there was no such thing as "sat nav." The first satellite was not put up until the Russians did it in the mid 1950s.

You can tell your grandfather is lying because if the plane was so lost that they thought they were over the Gobi Desert and was running out of fuel it would not have made it all the way back to its starting point at Tianian.

You can tell your grandfather is lying because both cities were radioactive and there is a special Atomic Veterans VA benefit for vets who were in those cities after the way.

Then again, maybe your grandfather is an honorable man and you are turning him into a liar.
2013-07-11 7:55 am
Sounds interesting

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