Why did the 9/11 terrorists go through the trouble of hijacking commercial jets rather than use private ones?

2013-07-10 10:28 pm
Or just use a van like they did in 1993?

回答 (12)

2013-07-11 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
They didn't.

There is just too much evidence now that suggests an inside job: the fact that all THE WRECKAGE WAS SHIPPED ABROAD as soon as possible, the fact that even ROLLS ROYCE themselves have said that the engine recovered were not the type of engine used on the type of plane (b757) that was said to be responsible. The fact that most of the 'hijackers' are still alive: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hijackers.html the fact that no jets were scrambled in time; that no significant plane debris was found at the pentagon site (planes do not vaporize!); that the buildings seem to be demolished, especially building 7; that jet fuel cannot melt steel, even though molten steel was seen "flowing like lava"; that the first responders heard explosions in the basement and within the buildings before they collapsed etc...

-WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted that building 7 was pulled down by a controlled demolition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk (He changed his story the next day)

-Official version claims the towers collapsed due to 'pancake effect', meaning the floors came detached from steel girders and fell on top of each other, collapsing the tower. If that's the case, why weren't any of the (core column) steel girders left standing? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ub_6RM9p6nY/TjWusVortWI/AAAAAAAAAXk/uSMFJEypbn8/s1600/x-wtccore.jpg

-Pictures show smoke coming from the basement seconds before the plane hits. People (including firefighters and employees) also heard explosions from below the towers, moments before the plane hit. PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND SOME SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE BASEMENT.

-Pictures show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them. This is exactly how controlled demolitions bring down buildings: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/tts/wtc_ruins_diagonal_cut.jpg

-Designers of the WTC say they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from such an aircraft.

-Official version states the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporised' which is why very little traces can be found. Yet they said they managed to find DNA to identify all of the victims on board. Furthermore the building didn't 'vaporise' in any way. What type of plane vaporises, leaving the building and human DNA relatively undamaged.

-The passport of one of the hijackers in the aircraft was supposedly found in the rubble at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.

-All CCTV footage from around the pentagon has been hidden and never released. Why do that if there is nothing to hide? 86 CCTV cameras show no airplane???

2013-07-10 11:50 pm
What trouble?

It is easier to hijack commercial airliners than it is to charter private ones. Cheaper too. And the planes are much, much bigger.

As far as using truck bombs, how well did that work for them in 1993? So why do that again?

Instead they came up with a relatively simple plan that did not require an extraordinary amount of skill and could be done on the cheap. And they succeeded beyond expectations.
2013-07-10 10:32 pm
the jets they used were bigger and carried larger payloads of fuel than any private ones they would have been able to rent. They were working on a budget, albeit a fairly hefty one. Also, it maximized the terror element, and was successful in inflicting even more economic damage to the country by forcing all air flights shut down for days. They may not have predicted that side effect of the attacks, but as far as the terrorists were concerned, they got a literal bigger bang for the buck by using commercial planes.
2013-07-10 11:00 pm
The idea was to make the ultimate impact... something people would never forget... Basically, the jets were giant guided missiles... the perfect weapon!

Remember, the FBI knew the 9-11 hijackers were here as soon as they landed, and they tracked them for six months or so as they spent money on strippers and booze, and flight training... then they lost track of them for about three or four months... during that time, they were in the Arizona desert at a airfield training to fly those particular jets... this particular airfield is a CIA operated field and only one of at least two places you can learn to fly these particular planes... then 9/11!

This is not theory... it is all documented under the freedom of information act...The FBI has in fact talked about this before, for they knew the hijackers were here, and tracked them for months until they disappeared for their training to fly those planes... also, why else would the Bush Admin., allow a plane with Bin Laden family members, who were in Vegas at the time, to be the only plane to fly out of the country, when all other flights were grounded under Presidential orders?
2013-07-11 3:57 pm
There were NO airliners hijacked on 9/11/2001
The whole story is a FRAUD
used to create the totally unconstitutional TSA fiasco
and create "HomeLandSecruity" so as to have yet another
bureaucracy with "authority" over the masses.

Big Brother sez 2 + 2 = 5
do we say "all hail Big Brother" or do we oppose him because he is WRONG?

NOTE FOR MARK F ..... check out the forum .... debate anyone?
2013-07-10 11:01 pm
That wouldn't have been nearly as terrifying for the victims on the jets. They wanted to kill as many passengers as possible also..as they did. They used the passengers on the planes as human weapons. They couldn't have killed as many people, had they used a van, or a private jet. The passenger planes were powerful enough to crash completely into the inside of the buildings. Terrorist/terror is about ''terrorizing''. This was well planned and well thought out, for a very long time, by the radical Islamics.
2013-07-10 10:57 pm
Private jets are smaller and wouldnt make an impact on the WTC buildings. The explosion in 93 didnt have a big economic impact and that was the goal.
2013-07-11 3:32 am
The van they used in 1993 was pretty ineffective so far as bringing the building down and finding four 747 sized jets in private hands that they could get and fly to the right places without suspicion would be difficult at best but buying plane tickets was easier and more effective for their scheme. Imagine what they would have to pay for private jets and I am not sure they could fly them, they never took the flying lessons to graduation, could they take off and land or just fly once in the air?
2016-12-30 8:20 am
the Captain is the perfect authority, consistently. If the female is a undemanding subject, and you knowingly take her onboard a private flight and don't tell the corporate of her previous, you're putting your self interior the soup besides. If she misbehaves, it is thoroughly and fully interior the scope of the Captains authority to divert and land and placed her off, or in case you're closer on your holiday spot, proceed on and refuse to deliver her returned. i do no longer think of her unfavorable the the airplane, yet while that occurs, it relatively is not the corporate you would be dealing with.. however the police once you land simply by fact she is going to penitentiary for endangering a flight, or interfering with a flight team. considering 9-11 judges are no longer seeing *any* humor in this area and he or she ought to correctly do time. No kidding. I had a floor team *(fool) make a remark approximately my airplane (he did no longer savour that we parked interior the spot the place his company in many situations did, we've been given there first... sorry... so Butthead made a danger against my airplane, I had him repeat it so everyone status on the ramp ought to take heed to it. He replaced into in FBI utilized handcuffs in under 20 minutes. shape pilots take a number of crap off of "VIP" passengers that think of simply by fact they have milllions of dollars they're above the regulation, and the corporate does not want to offend a severe profile shopper, so if she is a significant star (or former) she might have sufficient clout to flee with it.. yet I useful does not want my way residing house using on her habit. you will no longer get that tolerance from commerical vendors simply by fact they should evaluate all the human beings on the airplane. good success
2013-07-12 1:27 pm
1) To make them look invincible
2) Cause terror
3) Terrorist aren't that rich. Yes, Al-Quada is from an area that has black gold and former leader Osama Bin Shot comes from a rich family (his family do construction and sponsored Williams F1 in the 1970's) but buying and crashing airplanes is not wallet friendly and their families do not support it (they think he's crazy)
4) A van is boring for news making. Yes, it cheap but for me and some people, its nothing.
5) Public transport is a good target since everybody using it and terrorize it is a good tactic for kicking USA's ***

There are more reasons for it but my brain cell is dying by thinking reason. I hope this is helpful.
參考: Me

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