If you had one wish, what would it be?

2013-07-09 8:40 pm
It cant be anymore wishes

回答 (15)

2013-07-09 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That my mother would come out of her vegetative state and be suddenly and completely healed. It's all I want...
2013-07-10 3:41 am
Complete peace of mind.
2013-07-10 3:44 am
130 Billion dollars. Despite what other folks say, that amount of money DOES buy happiness.
2013-07-11 2:51 pm
To be rich,to be healthy and to watch a k pop concert with a VIP ticket.
2013-07-11 10:55 am
Wish for riches, and you could end up like a lottery winner that OD's on drugs or goes broke in a year. Wish for eternal life, and you end up old as old can be, forever. Eternal youth, a perpetual state of early twenties. Wish to know everything, and you could spend eternity arguing against those that know nothing.

I'd either wish I didn't become such a pessimist, or missing that, a way to strike down anyone on command. That would be useful.
2013-07-10 3:47 am
To know before I die, that my children know I love them unconditionally, that they have found peace within their souls from Our Father, and that their inheritance will be enough to lighten their burdens so they can spend more time enjoying their families and lives.
2013-07-10 3:45 am
My wish would be for a 14 ft. fiberglass canoe, complete with paddles and life preservers. I would play Lewis and Clark for the rest of my days.
2013-07-10 3:42 am
A life of complete happiness. Or a unicorn
2013-07-10 3:55 am
To be less lazy, shy and socially awkward and not give a **** what people think.

Also, to stop animal abuse
2013-07-10 3:43 am
For my cats to want to go to the vets when it is time for their appointments. I don't believe in wishing and praying so I planned my life so I'm okay with it except getting the cats to the vet.

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