how much extra discount can I get by buying the 2013 model year instead of 2014?

2013-07-09 10:03 am
I think the 2014 C300 is coming out soon.

回答 (3)

2013-07-10 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on how good of a negotiator you are as well as how many 2013's the dealer still has in their inventory.
2013-07-12 7:18 pm
NONE. Because when a merc start to deteriorate, it will cost you a lot. This will appear in every single class and production year so there will be no discount, except you don't mind it or you will sell it after 5 years.
參考: My uncles have the same C 320 and with different pricetags, interior junks and year. After all those plastics fall apart, the price ended up same so think about it. But, enjoy the ride
2013-07-09 7:30 pm
I think there must be 25% discount in 2013 model car because dollar is increasing day by day so in 2014 model the value of car is high amount.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:52:24
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