
2013-07-09 7:52 pm

回答 (2)

2013-07-10 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 英國邊到有WIFI?同埋青年旅社有冇WIFI同上網架?

>> 好多地方都會有, 如starbbucks 等等, 都係唔駛錢既, 而一d 大型既shopping mall, 如westfields 都會有, 但就會要求你有log in (就咁用fb log in 就可以用), 而tube(underground)都會有wifi, 但就要sign up俾錢.

>> 如果你係係英國旅行, 又或是係黎一陣子, 可以去買一張可以上網既電話卡, 唔駛個個月俾, 係pay as you go (vodafone 同3都有), 一個月10磅可以係咁上 (無限), 會好過你去一d 唔stable 既wifi 既.

>> 而hostel 有冇呢, 就depends你住邊一d, b&b 就會有, 但要問佢拎password, 有一d hostel 都會有, 唔駛錢, 而有一d 就要有account俾左錢先可以上. 因為英國唔係太同hk, 唔係個個地方都有得上, 買可以上網既sim card 會比較方便.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk生活exp =]
2013-07-09 11:38 pm
I just went there last week
In England, most of the places have WIFI, I mean in London and some bigger cities
but unfortunately, there's no wifi on the street
have you ever heard of the famous shopping centre, Harrods?
they got WIFI
also for most of the hotels and bigger shop got wifi
you may ask the staff about the wifi of the wifi, they are always helpful and will definitely answer your question
for the 青年旅社
i forgot if there is a wifi or not, but mostly, they do
wish you will have a happy time in England

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