Can Koreans fly airplanes?

2013-07-08 12:07 pm

回答 (8)

2013-07-08 12:09 pm
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fly, yes, land them, sort of.
參考: they are referring to the 777 that crashed in san francisco.
2013-07-08 7:41 pm
2013-07-08 7:13 pm
Umm Yeah why couldn't they???
If your referring to it In a stereotypical way then whoever believes they can't is an idiot and should grovel at the feet of people who surpass stereotypes.
Our do you mean something in makeup like physically??? Honestly the can fly as well as a White,Black or Hispanic Person.
參考: Idk MY BRAIN
2013-07-08 7:27 pm
North Korea or South Korea?

Both Koreas' have military planes as well as a civilian airline so that would answer your vague question as yes.
2013-07-09 5:38 am
Duh, yes. Is this a new stereotype?
2013-07-09 12:47 am
They passed flight school, so yes.
2013-07-09 12:09 am
They usually get by, but there has been some question as to their competence, for many years, in the industry.

Probably unrelated, but ANA thought it had to have "western" captains on all their aircraft for a lot of years. The Japanese pilots wouldn't do a go around, when needed, and crashed more than once. It was shameful to have to go around. They crashed to "save face". Just like a couple of US pilots I know!!!
參考: 40 years in the airline industry Worked 2 air crashes.
2013-07-08 7:07 pm
Um y not? Y can't they?

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