
2013-07-09 4:48 am
1. 口沫橫飛

2. 心口不一 (說一套,做一套)

3. 光說不練

4. 說的容易,做的難啊。

回答 (3)

2013-07-11 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 口沫橫飛 Wordy. Loquacious. Bragging. Exaggerating. 看你的 口沫橫飛 要強調那一部份。

2. 心口不一 (說一套,做一套)
Not practicing what one preaches.

3. 光說不練
Only words and no action at all.

4. 說的容易,做的難啊。
Easier said than done.
2013-07-15 3:59 am
1. dashing
2. say what one doesn't think (saying one thing, doing another)
3. words and not practicing
4. easy to do.
2013-07-09 5:10 am
(1)A dashing talkative figure.
(2)Say what one doesn't think so in mind of oneself.
---(Saying one thing, doing another.)
(3)Words only and no more practice.
(4)Easy speak state than to do.

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