How exactly could the killing of his son make the angry god feel better and forgive the humans?

2013-07-08 1:57 am
Does it make any sense to you?

回答 (15)

2013-07-08 2:08 am
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It doesn't. I really don't see how causing suffering to other beings and shedding blood to the god forgives anything. The sacrifice of the innocent for the sins of those who are guilty. That is paganism.
2013-07-08 2:07 am
In a nut-shell: the entire "Jesus" story makes no sense whatsoever. The idiots who made up the Jesus myths 2000 years ago thought it made sense, but today no intelligent person believes any of it.

No intelligent person.
2013-07-08 1:58 am
No. the entire escapade is farcical. God sacrificing himself to himself to appease himself.
2013-07-08 1:59 am
It makes more sense than the supposed messiah suddenly being tried and executed as a criminal halfway through the story. Damage control was a necessity when it came to dealing with that situation.
2013-07-08 2:08 am
It is simply a nonsensical myth.
2013-07-08 1:58 am
lol, im sorry, but this question really makes you look like an ***
2013-07-08 2:07 am
It wasn't done to appease God and he wasn't angry.
2013-07-08 2:07 am
All you folks are doing, with your slurs, blasphemy, and ugly speech against the God, whose breath you breathe, is laying up for yourselves a horrible reaping day.
You are not seeking truth from God. You think you are smart, as most of the haters of God do, but it is not smart one bit.
when he come to die, it will show up then, and it will be too late. You will never find God or truth this way.
I do not waste my time trying to show truth to anyone with your attitude, for it is useless.

Most of the time, I do not even answer such stuff; but I am only telling you, this kind of mess with only get you wrath from God, when He brings you to judgment. Right now, you are enjoying his liberal wait time. but that will end, and if you have not repented, woe to your soul.
參考: KJV truth
2013-07-08 2:25 am
Maybe because by definition.....God is just.....he cannot be unjust....then by definition, evil must be punished...because justice must prevail

Maybe its the natural law of existence...if you work, you get paid, if you dont work, you dont get paid

So in order to appease the natural law of existance...God took the wrath of justice upon him self so his creations could be spared

Its not about God justifying it for himself....its about God justifying it to the framework of existance we operate in

Think about it almost as God and the devil or the dark force playing chess and even though God is the creator of all, he must abide by the framework of the chess he sacrifices his queen to save the must really love the pawn
2013-07-08 2:05 am
god wasnt angry. i just wanted to put that out there. and if you read the bible from a father who wants to save his children it doesnt sound so harsh. (thats what i was told) God doesnt get angry. he had to kill his son to allow Jesus to raise from the dead. Trust me If I were God i wouldnt want to do it. but it were to allow people to be saved then i would do it. after three days i would get to see him again too, would i not?
2013-07-08 2:02 am
It was never going to happen.

Sure, Abraham didn't know that, but God did and God stopped it in time.

The example set was that of a loving father offering up his only son. Something God would later have to do and he saw that men were not above doing the same for him, if asked.
2013-07-08 2:01 am
It doesn't make any sense unless one lived in those times.
Jesus was killed because He was seen as a threat to the Roman authorities.
2013-07-08 2:00 am
Because he know they were going to kill his son anyways, that was kinda the point of him having a son... kinda messed up. God does know all though.
2013-07-08 2:49 am
The answer to your question is all contained in the ONE Bible verse every child knows: For God so LOVED the world [all people] that He gave His own Son, that whoever believes in Him might be saved.
John 3:16

He that believes is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already. Jn 3:18

This is the condemnation, that LIGHT has come, but [some] men love darkness more than light, because their deeds are evil. Jn 3:19

But if you do truth, you will come into the Light. v. 20

Blessing you with recognizing and doing TRUTH.
2013-07-08 2:30 am
If you walk in to a theater towards the end of the movie you won't get what the the movie is about and make no sense to you! So how in the world do you want to understand what took thousands of years to come to pass from hearing nonsense from other atheist. I suggest you invest some time reading up on the subject so you can ask an educated question based on fact rather than on nonsense. And if you refuse to do it then just stop asking questions on a subject you know nothing about and don't want to know.

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