Have you pretended to like certain music to fit in?

2013-07-07 6:49 pm
I'm doing a project on music and emotions, and was wondering if anyone has lied about liking music so they don't stand out or to fit in. This could be recently or a long time ago.

回答 (18)

2013-07-07 6:50 pm
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No I'd never change to fit in with a group of people...
2013-07-08 11:02 pm
Yeah and looking back now it was really stupid
2013-07-08 4:15 am
No, luckily most of my friends like the same music as me and even if they liked different music I wouldnt care
2013-07-08 2:33 am
No way!
2013-07-08 2:00 am
I always tell myself that if I have to change to fit in with a group of people, they aren't the right group of people.
2013-07-08 1:58 am
No,but I did lie about disliking certain music ^^
2013-07-08 1:56 am
no. in fact i used to pretend not to like certain music in order to piss people off. LOL.
2013-07-08 1:55 am
Yes and looking back now it was really ridiculous to do that. At the time (I was a teen) I just wanted to fit in with the rest of my friends cause i was worried they'd stop hanging out with me if we didn't have something 'big' like music in common. Don't i feel foolish now that I was being fake eh??
2013-07-08 1:53 am
2013-07-08 1:53 am
2013-07-08 1:52 am
I told my friends that I love Banda, but I really hate it and this is quite weird because I'm Mexican.
2013-07-08 1:52 am
No, and i'd never do it. Im surrounded by people who are very different from me. And we have nothing in common, including music, but i'd never change my interests just for them.
2013-07-08 1:52 am
I wasn't into dubstep, but I went to a festival just to be with my friends once. The ironic thing is now I'm hooked on it.
2013-07-08 1:51 am
Sometimes i lke the genre but i didn't like the song
2013-07-08 1:51 am
no.people say the music that i listen to is weird but i could care less
2013-07-08 1:50 am
2013-07-08 1:50 am
nope, I've never actually cared about fitting in.
2013-07-08 1:49 am
ahah no i like whatever music i like

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