
2013-07-07 11:33 pm

回答 (3)

2013-07-08 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

根據現行法例, 18歲或以下會被視為有可能未有能力控制自己的思想或行為, 所以, 法例年齡是18歲, 亦即18歲或以上的人才可以為自己的行為負責任, 因此, 18歲以下人士所簽署的合約一般都不會被視為有效的。


轉名給18歲以下的人當然可以, 但18歲以下的人就不會得到銀行的信貸和按揭, 甚至乎擁有的物業也是不可以轉名及買賣的。


找信託人代保管當然沒有問題, 有效的託管人可以按照有關的授權去行駛和處理有關的物業或資產的。

2013-07-09 09:28:42 補充:

未贖契又怎可以轉名, 你肯銀行都唔肯! 業權就無得轉, 但權益就可以轉。

補充上述問題, 物業轉名給任何人包括未滿18歲的人士甚至乎是動物也有見過, 但就一定要有託管人可代其行事。
2013-07-10 7:51 pm
GOHO 網友的意見非常正確!
2013-07-09 10:59 am
1. No - a minor has no legal capacity to sign any contracts.

If legal capacity exists, a court document will show that.

2. No - again, as a minor has no legal capacity, any form of transfers will be deeded as invalid as it is against public policies.

(There is a reason when a minor inherit estate, a guardian must be appointed by the court.)

3. Yes - However, the cost for establishing a trust is very high. It is not a good option.

2. See #2 above.

In simply saying - it is unwise to involve a minor for any real estate transactions.

2013-07-10 14:09:46 補充:
Cecimak is wrong this time.

One of the major issue is the nature of the transfer.

1. All real estate interests in Hong Kong are in a form of lease from the Government. The Government will not allow such transfer unless the minor has legal cacpacity.

2013-07-10 14:11:19 補充:
(In this case, the Government is one of the party in a real estate transaction (although not apparent).)

2. If a parent transfers his or her property to a minor, the role of parents will be dupulicated (as a party and a guardian), which makes this unilateral contract.

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