中翻英,google翻譯等勿進 (急)

2013-07-07 8:28 am



4. 台灣地區的降雨會經由: ....(所造成) (只要翻出"台灣地區的降雨會經由:"的部分就好,冒號後面是接好幾項成因)


寂。雪 您好: 請問第一句若我是從1960-2000年,"取後面的1975-1994年7-10月做分析"的話,還是這樣翻嗎? 因為我不太清楚July前面為什麼要加every end of ? 不知道是不是因為我沒說清楚 >


寂。雪您好: Analyze every end of July to October of 1975 - 1994 可以改成: Analyze the end of July to October of 1975 - 1994 嗎?? 指原本時間的後面1975-1994年7-10月的時間

回答 (3)

2013-07-08 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. take the back 1975-1994 years nine months to do analysis
2. understand Taiwan causes major changes in the seasonal rainfall cycle and
3. use higher resolution and has an ocean dynamic mode
4. rainfall in Taiwan through
2013-07-07 10:08 pm
1.Analyze the sampling from July to October between 1975 to 1994.
for the sake of getting a better comprehension on the main varying cycle and the causes of precipitation each season in Taiwan.
2 Use the mode powered by tide and equipped with higher resolution.

2013-07-07 14:12:37 補充:
4. Several reason can lead to the precipitation around Taiwan including....
or 成因...can lead to......
參考: 自己
2013-07-07 4:18 pm
1. Analyze every end of July to October of 1975 - 1994

2. Understand the main change in cycle and cause of the rainfalls of each season in Taiwan

3. Use the mode with a higher resolution and 海洋動力 (我不懂你的意思)

4. Rainfalls in Taiwan are caused by: .....

2013-07-10 06:39:21 補充:
啊 抱歉 我中文不是很好的說。我誤以為成另一個意思。

1. Analyze July through October of 1975 - 1994


2013-07-10 06:44:34 補充:

1. Analyze the data from July through October of 1978 - 1994
參考: me, still me^^, still me^^

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