My Cat is hurt BAD. Help me ASAP?

2013-07-06 9:50 am
My cats hurt BAD. Please help me. ASAP?
I don't know when, but my cat Spooky, I've had him since 2 and a half years-ish, and that's how long in human years he's been alive. (Aug.25.2011-ish).
Anyways, I think it's because it's mating season, but he's hurt bad, I don't have insurance to help him or put him down. He's back right leg, I believe, has a deep cut on the paw.
It's so bad when he tries to clean it... he shakes and.... and his paw shakes like he's afraid to touch it......... and he's limping....... I don't know what to do. After my abortion, I got him and his sister... she died in my arms and Spooky almost died if it wasn't for kind Mr. Randy Walker who died not 6 months later..... Spooky's like my baby... I can't have him die....
So.. I thought maybe if I wrote down the things I have, someone can help me figure something out...

My things, I ope to use:

1.) Rubbing Alcohol

2.) In my First Aid Kit;
~ Gloves
~ Neosporin :(pain relief CREAM, kinda like lotion)
~ Antibiotic Ointment (pretty much an off version of Neosporin)
~ Alcohol Prep Pad
~ Gauze Pad
~ Gauze Tape

And please no smart remarks or jokes... I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid if I do nothing the cut will became infected and he'll die. Please help me, and if you can't please give me some references for ideas. I literally only have money to buy him cat food..... I know, I'm pathetic. It wasn't always like this..............

(no it's not spam, (I copied and pasted) I just really need to get your attention and help)

.... the vet isn't open.... none of them are open 24/7


I CAN'T take him to the vet. I wish I could, but the greedy world loves money, and I don't have it. so I need help.... home remedies, If all your going to say is "take him to the vet" your stating the obvious, I wish I could do, but I can't so alternative answers would be loved.

回答 (4)

2013-07-06 3:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ok how much is he bleeding from the cut, how big is the wound? You need to bathe it, peroxide would be great but even water to flush it or saline soloution for contact lenses will work. If it is not too deep wound powder would be good. Don t try to bandage or cover it over (unles it is bleeding badly) as you want it to be open to the air to dry out and heal. I am worried though that due to him shaking he may have done nerve damage and that he may bleed out. You could also try a cold compress to aid with swelling. He may also be in shock, hence the shaking. If he has been injured due to another cats teeth or claws the risk of infection will be very serious so if he isn t healing within 24 hrs max, please surrender him or get help as it will break your heart to see him in pain dying, and it is not fair on him to have to suffer. Good luck
參考: Fluffykins Persians - Owner & Breeder
2013-07-06 2:58 pm
If you can't afford a vet then you shouldn't be letting your cat outside where he can get hurt and in turn need a vet..common sense. The fact that you would consider killing your cat if you had the money to put him down all because he got a wound that is probably treatable with a vet visit because of your negligence in letting him outside is just HORRIBLE.

Also, why are you letting a fully intact male cat outside? So he can impregnate all the female stray cats and add to the stray cat population? Ugh. He's 2..he should be neutered and money is no excuse because they have low cost neuter/spay clinics for people who can't afford to get it done at a vet.

Your cat obviously has a bad cut that he got from outside - possibly attacked by another cat, a cat that could have rabies or other deadly diseases. If the cut is left untreated, it could get infected and he could easily die as the infection spreads. He needs antibiotics..not some at home cleaning. He needs medication to fight possible infection...
and again this was all avoidable had you actually cared for your cat by keeping him safe and indoors.
參考: ..
2013-07-06 9:54 am
I think it is better if you take it to the vet
2013-07-06 9:54 am
Please take him to the vet. I'm not sure but maybe they'll treat him for free if it's urgent. I'm really not sure but at least you can try. You'll probably make it worse if you do it yourself unless you have previous vet experience. I wish you the best of luck and I hope Spooky recovers.
2013-07-06 7:49 pm
I will never understand why people who don't have money to take their cats to the vet insist on allowing them outdoors where they are more likely to get poisoned/ill/injured and then require treatment at the vet. And "the greedy world loves money" is an unfair statement - don't YOU expect a paycheck at the end of the week, or do you work for free? Neither does the vet.

Rubbing alcohol will do nothing other than sting the wound badly, cause additional tissue damage, and probably get you bit for your efforts. The Neosporine with pain relief contains ingredients that are toxic to cats (the pain relief part contains ingredients that cats cannot metabolize). The only thing of any use at all is the antibiotic ointment, and that really isn't going to do anyone any good.

Since you won't take him to the vet, you can watch him become increasingly painful, and watch the wound get more infected. Or you can take him to the shelter and surrender him, where they will either painlessly euthanize him, or neuter him, fix his foot and adopt him out. And don't get any more pets that you can't afford to take care of.
參考: many years of cat rescue
2013-07-08 12:13 am
"The greedy world loves money"? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Whose fault is it this cat is hurt? The "world's"? No it's YOURS because you allow an unaltered cat to free roam and fight with other cats.

Give this cat up to a no-kill shelter IMMEDIATELY. And to help speed up the process I've tracked your IP address and sent this admissal of Felony Animal Neglect to your local animal control. Would you like to go to jail?
2013-07-06 10:35 am
There are NO home remedies at all. The cat needs a vet. It has nothing to do with greed and everything with you being too cheap to take the at. A vet is a business, they have to cover student loans, rent, utilities , insurance, meds, staff and more. They can't treat for free

Of course it will become infected. The cat has to be taken to a vet but you wont. You let one cat die becouse you refused to take it to a vet and let it suffer while making excuses and now you will let this one suffer becouse you rather make excuses

You clearly can afford the computer and the net so you CAN afford the vet but you wont. Take the cat to a resuce and surrender it
2013-07-06 9:55 am
Alcohol will burn him.try peroxide instead.

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