I hate my life and see no hope.?

2013-07-06 7:01 am
Okay i dont know why. But i hate my life. I want to just sleep all day long but i hate everyone. I just want to yell at everyone but i dont know why. My parents are well off bussiness owners and i work alot for them . I hate i never get sleep i want to give up. I want to just sleep and never wake up and i have so much anger.

So why is this? What did i do to diserve a life without rest?

回答 (8)

2013-07-07 11:12 am
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you're obviously not happy doing what you're doing. your work ethic is fantastic, but the stress comes from dreading going into work. you need to figure out what it is that you want to do with your life. let me say that one more time; your life. I read an article once in a magazine that said being in a job you hate isn't just detrimental to you, but to everyone you work with for the simple reason "negativity breeds negativity". you walk into work with a surly attitude and everyone else starts off being pissed off because they have to work with "that one". as soon as they walk in he building, the mood of the collective goes south. that's stress, and it puts pressure on the body. everybody. as far as the parents go, you're going to have to tell them at one point that you simply can't do this anymore. tell them exactly how you feel. you don't need more sleep, you need more job satisfaction.
2013-07-06 9:06 am
Why don't you message me i need to know more. Look life is always worth living everyone has a purpose. That sounds like its something from a stupid book but I believe it with all my heart.
2013-07-06 7:02 am
Life is what you put into it. Don't like how something is ? Change it.
2016-03-09 11:25 am
please talk to someone fast. you see, life is not easy, but if you have a support sytem, then you'll see life in a different view and realize that thinngs are not that bad after all or that they can change for the better. Be patient it is not the end of the world, years from no you'll look back at this and say" OMG, i can't beleive i went through all this , yet I survived and i'm still here. Just hang in there. you'll be ok.
2013-07-07 2:11 pm
try to go out for a while, don't stuck at home.
have some more playtime instead of keep on working all day long.
I had anger issues before, so I understand your problem.
work is dull and it is easy to have anger problems, and the anger problem probably come from a stressful environment. if you are working in an office with lots of work to do, it is natural to feel angry at things. the best way is to stop focusing on the task and go out and relax.
go out, treat yourself a little something, e.g. an ice cream
owning a business probably causes a lot of stress probably because of business properties and relationships with one another. don't try to cope with that stress, instead, focus on something else like the garden, the trees, the flowers in the garden, whatever that makes you feel relief and comfortable.
don't just sleep - sleeping won't solve the problem. the problem won't solve itself by whatever means.
try to do some exercise or sports, that'll do you good. you deserve to have a better life.
2013-07-06 6:41 pm
you are probably about to be on your period...I hate my life for years now but not because I cant get any sleep
2013-07-06 4:19 pm
Re: sleep, I used to find that when I put my head on the pillow, I dropped off.

Now I don't.

However the reason for this is because I've started watching netflix late at night.

This tells my brain - I'm in bed - the place to sleep - but I'm also watching tv - so pay attention.

So what's the lesson?

Only go to bed when you're tired. If you can't sleep, get up, do some stuff, and return when you are ready for kip.

Don't try to force yourself to sleep, just accept your body isn't ready yet, do some other stuff and rest when you are ready.

Take care.

Edit: re: parents biz - if it suits you great, if not, get a job elsewhere.

Friends of mine have left their parent's businesses and gone their own way - and if you want to - that's your call - you can always return later if you want to.
2013-07-06 7:03 am
I would trace it back to your spelling.

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