Is it silly to marry after 9 years together?

2013-07-06 1:02 am
My bf & I have been together 9 years. We would have gotten married years ago but my doc & other at my support group said i should legally stay single for financial reasons. ( i have serious heart/lung disease & medications, doc visits, health care is costly) i can get financial assistance single & when i die wont leave bf in debt. Our pastor said he would perform ceremony for us & just not have it recorded. We would be "married" but only in eyes of God, not the state.
Do you think its silly, doing it after so many years together?

回答 (3)

2013-07-06 1:05 am
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Nah of course not, i think it's cute. You guys should do it. Don't you want to be a bride and a wife sometime in your life? I mean, I really think you should. Have fun with it too. :P
2013-07-06 8:36 am
Not at all. Do what makes you both happy.
2013-07-06 8:20 am
Sorry to hear about your heart/lung problems. My mom was telling me last week that she was talking to a young man who is only 20 years old and he has lung cancer. Just horrible.

I don't think it's silly to get married and have the ceremony between the two of you and a few family members. That's sweet.

Really, if you are the type of person who believes in God, then the marriage should only be important in the eyes of the Lord and not the state. It would seem more intimate that way anyways right ?

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 22:47:43
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