Do I need to study Mechanical, Auto and Shop, and Electronics for the ASVAB?

2013-07-05 8:51 pm
I know for the job I'm going for I really just need to do well on the verbal and math parts of the test, and I'm already naturally inclined to do well on those parts, and study them as well. But I know I'm not interested in the mechanical type things, and usually get average scores on them.

Should I really worry about those parts of the ASVAB?

回答 (2)

2013-07-05 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would study for them. Rather not limit your choices. Chances are your not getting the job you want unless it's in your contract (which you don't have since you haven't taken the ASVAB).

Plus some jobs require a decent mech/electrical score even if it doesn't seem really necessary.

God dámn if you are already trying to half-áss shít before you even enlist, its gonna be a long road ahead.
2013-07-06 6:25 am
The ASVAB contains nine separately timed sub-tests:
General Science (GS) - 25 questions concerning general high school-level science (biology, chemestry, physics, environmental science, astronomy, ect.) with an 11 minute time-limit.
Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) - 30 math word problems with a 36 minute time-limit.
Word Knowledge (WK) - 35 question vocabulary test, with an 11 minute time-limit.
Paragraph Comprehension (PC) - 15 reading comprehension questions with a 13 minute time-limit.
Auto & Shop (AS) - 25 questions about principles of automobiles and recognition of common tools, with an 11 minute time-limit.
Mathematics Knowledge (MK) - 25 math questions with a 24 minute time-limit.
Mechanical Comprehension (MC) - 25 questions concerning mechanical principles, with a 19 minute time-limit.
Electronics Information (EI) - 20 questions about basic electronics, with a 9 minute time-limit.
Assembling Objects (AS) - 16 questions, which measure your ability with spatial relationships, with a 9 minute time-limit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:59:32
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