Aries girl/Gemini boy?

2013-07-05 5:31 pm
I knew this guy for about 6 months. At the beginning, we did flirt a bit and keep contacting constantly. After the first 2 months, we seldom contact each other and we didn't flirt that much. But recently, he keeps finding me everyday and even flirt more than the past.

I felt frustrated and not confirm whether he loves me or not (tho we didn't even start a relationship). One day I told him about my insecure and concerns. He replied 'I don't want to hurt you and never meant to hurt you'. He said he felt lost between us.

Is this guy in love with me...? Need some help..thanks!

回答 (1)

2013-07-06 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There's a valuable lesson I have learnt being a flirtatious Aries female... Us Aries get on great romantically with Gemini's for their warm personality and flirty behaviour in return.

That lesson I was telling you about is this:

Aries are ruler of the head,
But Gemini's rule the mind........


Don't let him play with your head. Just be blunt with him, and don't let him manipulate you.

If he loves you, he won't muck you around.
Personally I would just completely block him off for a tiny while. See if he notices. If he loves you, he will make that clear. However I know us Aries like a jealous man so be careful not to test. Gemini's tend to get over relationships/bonds quite quickly.

If he loves you, you will know. But I think he may be in a split decision about you reading the above. Whatever you do, do not chase (as hard as I know that can be) but if you do, his mind will confirm he was initially right about his feelings and you could risk losing him.

Just remember the above and you will not go far wrong.

Good luck :)

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