Why did my dog stop eating ?is he Ill?

2013-07-05 4:35 pm
My Dog Rex,a Doberman pinscher stopped eating when I went out for 2 months.he was living with my father and I was told that he did not eat anything and only sat in a corner(which is very much unlike him).when I came back he just sat on my lap for an hour and only ate from my hands?iwas he Ill?

回答 (4)

2013-07-05 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your Doberman may have been off his food, with a reduced appetite, but if as you were told he had stopped eating, the dog would have died long before two months were up.

Probably overstating the case that the dog hardly budged from a corner. While the breed is known for being intensely devoted to one person of its choosing, whether it is by nature naturally confident submissive, placid or nervous natured, they adapt to and accept the absence of their owner.

Dobermans are routinely short or long term fostered out and placed in new homes and if the dog is allowed to adjust and settle into a new routine and boundaries and get to know the person/people in its household, it will come to them in its own time and warm up, forming new bonds.

It sounds like your dog was one of the few that did not adjust to things being different in his life well and was intensely bonded to you and did not cope with in your absence. Being glued to your lap for a secure while he adjusted to everything being right again in his world as he saw it, suggests that.
2013-07-05 4:39 pm
Well if ;the dog hadn't eaten for two months he would be dead, so he had to be eating something.
Sounds like he was pinning for you.
2013-07-05 5:14 pm
maybe Rex miss you.
go to veterinary.
2013-07-05 4:57 pm
He could have just missed you a lot. When my neighbor left for a few weeks she didn't eat much, and didn't do much. She was really attached to him.

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