English question

2013-07-05 4:33 pm
I need some sentences in both English and Chinese using the phrase "beware of". e.g. Beware of slippery floor 小心地滑

Please help. Thanks a lot.

回答 (1)

2013-07-05 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Beware of dogs. 小心狗隻
Beware of the pickpockets. 小心扒手
Beware of fire. 小心火警
Beware of strangers. 小心陌生人
Beware of sharp objects. 小心利器
Beware of cars. 小心車輛
Beware of the gap between the platform and the train. 小心月台與車廂之間的空隙
Beware of the train doors. 小心車門
Beware of the stairs 小心梯級

參考: 自己

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