Can I not pay taxes until the very end?

2013-07-04 7:22 pm
Okay so if I have a server job at 3 places how can I pay all my taxes at the very end instead of them taking it out each week? Also what happens if I don't pay my taxes at the end? Will they notify my work?

回答 (4)

2013-07-05 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why would you want to really complicate your situation at this time in your life by NOT trying to go by the rules that the IRS does have that apply to your situation at this time in your life OK.
The taxpayers that you do work for are required to report to you and to the IRS and the SSA the amounts of your income that you do receive during the tax year for the purpose and then at end of the tax year during the 2014 tax filing season send out the tax information forms to you and a copy to the SSA and to the IRS also for the 2013 tax year amounts OK.
If your pay from your job includes tips, the IRS has a few important reminders about tip income:
*Tips are taxable. Individuals must pay federal income tax on any tips they receive. The value of non-cash tips, such as tickets, passes or other items of value are also subject to income tax.
*Include all tips on your return. You must include all tips that you receive during the year on your income tax return. This includes tips you received directly from customers, tips added to credit cards and your share of tips received under a tip-splitting agreement with other employees.
*Report tips to your employer. If you receive $20 or more in cash tips in any one month, you must report your tips for that month to your employer. Your employer is required to withhold federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes on the reported tips.
*Keep a daily log of tips. You can use IRS Publication 1244, Employee's Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer, to record your tips.
For more information, see IRS Publication 1244 or Publication 531, Reporting Tip Income. Both are available at or by calling 800-TAX-FORM
Use the search box at the website for the below referenced items.
Additional IRS Resources:
*Publication 1244, Employee's Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer
*Publication 531, Reporting Tip Income
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 07/04/2013
2013-07-05 2:56 am
1. You can't pay them all at the very end. Social security and medicare taxes have to be taken out from each paycheck. There is no way around that.

2. Although there is a way to pay the income tax at the very end instead of each week, it's illegal and you will have to pay a penalty, in addition to the tax.

3. They won't exactly notify your work that you did not pay those taxes at the end. They will tell your work to take out a much larger amount of money, often 1/4 to 1/2 of your paycheck, and your work will know that this was because you did not pay taxes that you were supposed to pay. Also, this will continue until all of the tax is paid, plus interest and penalties, even if you change jobs. That means that anywhere you go to work in the future will also now that you owe back taxes.
2013-07-05 6:18 am
When you owe 1k or more at the end of the year there are penalties. The IRS could also give your employer a lock letter to take out taxes at single 0.
2013-07-05 2:41 am
you are required to report your tips each week to your employer

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