[急] TRANSLATION 英文高手請入

2013-07-05 4:33 am
寫緊APOLOGY LETTER. 如果我想用英文講 話 我已經吳係第一次咁無責任感 我應該即時向你報告成件事既過情而唔係等你主動泥搵我 明明有好多機會可以同你講但我都無做到 我以後會上心啲 唔好再帶MA煩畀你 . THANKS.

回答 (2)

2013-07-05 4:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English Translation
「...我已經吳係第一次咁無責任感 我應該即時向你報告成件事既過情而唔係等你主動泥搵我 明明有好多機會可以同你講但我都無做到 我以後會上心啲 唔好再帶MA煩畀你 ....」

"...This is not the first time that I have been so irresponsible. I should have immediately reported to you what had happened in the incident, and not waited for you to approach me first. Apparently there were many opportunities for me to communicate with you, but I failed to do so. From now on, I shall definitely be more vigilant in not giving you any more trouble again...."
2013-07-05 5:49 am
I have no sense of responsibility to do things not the first time,I should immediately report to you what happened rather than waiting for you to take the initiative to ask me, obviously there are a lot of opportunities to talk with you,I will always remember that and will not give you trouble again.
參考: 自己

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:32:31
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