
2013-07-05 2:11 am
1.一把香港牌子的M4A1 R.I.S(全金屬)+沙漠之鷹最少多少錢?

回答 (2)

2013-07-05 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Simple - what you are asking do not exist.

(Classic Army is the only and truly "Hong Kong" brand. And Classic Army does not make M4 and Desert Eagle.)

2. No - Taiwan.

3. You have to be specific. But it can be easily estimated to about $2,000-3,000.

4. No - and beside, they are not arranged like the way you want.

Desert Eagle, if available in metal body, will be made in China.
2013-07-05 7:33 am
1) M4A1 (Aluminum), u can choose APS (HK brand), around $1200

Desert Eagle has full metal version (custom), >$3000

For China-made, ~1000 or <1000

2) No, Taiwan

3) this depend on your budget. For Hong Kong brand, absolutely >2000
For grenade launcher, u want M203 or other types?

2013-07-04 23:35:11 補充:
For second last question u ask, u can buy the newest version ACOG, with above features u want.

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