
2013-07-04 10:21 pm
Last summer you attended a two-week sports camp and had a wonderful time. You have decided to take part in another sports camp this summer, and you would like your friends, Peter, to join you. Write an email to Peter.

In your email, you should tell Peter

what you did at the camp

the skills you learned

the people you met

why he should join the camp with you

You can also include ideas of your own


(另外,若在英文文憑試作文拿到(C:3 L:3 O:4)的成績,代表我Level 幾,而又有咩要改進的地方?) 可答可不答

回答 (2)

2013-07-05 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
這封是寫給朋友的電郵,故語調能隨便一些,不需太 formal。

一開始可先同 Peter 懶熟吹下水,例如說 We haven't seen each other for months. I miss you a lot! Hope you're doing fine.

然後說你近況,即最近你想參加 sports camp (描述一下個 sports camp),所以想請 Peter 也一起來。

之後再提自己上年參加 sports camp 的經驗,給 Peter 參加 sports camp 的原因,遊說他 join 你。

接着就是寫你上年參加 sports camp 的經驗,亦即那些 guidelines 中 What you should tell Peter 的東西囉,但記住,你現在是寫你「上年 sports camp」的經歷,不是「即將參加那一個的 sports camp」,不要搞亂。

你可以逐項逐項寫,即一段 what you did at camp,一段 the skills you learned,但這是很新手的做法,不會高分。要高分的話,你應該嘗試像寫故事般,生動地描寫你的經歷,同時描述 what you did at camp,the skills you learned 和 the people you met 這三項,講到佢好好,然後間中話「因為你這個特質,所以你一定喜歡/覺得有意義」,如 I know you like water sports. Therefore, I'm sure that you would love it.

到最後,一個 summary of 你的經歷,感受,然後再呼籲 Peter 考慮一下,說自己很期待跟他一起等等,然後結尾,搞掂。

用多一些複句,連接詞,vocabulary 用得生動一些,最基本的文法如
to 後面動詞用 bare infinitive 不要錯。另外很重要,段與段之間的轉接要流暢,你可以試下自己讀一次篇文,讀起不順的地方就是轉接不流暢了,這是高分的一個要點哦。

雖然我無考過 DSE,但小弟兩年前 AL UE writing 都有 A 嘅,可以參考下:當年我們滿分是 18 分(Content 9 分,Language 9 分),至少 15 分以上先有 A,12 -14 分 B,9 - 11 分 C。


2013-07-05 09:19:53 補充:
其實原因也不外乎幾個: 啱興趣、識朋友、鍛煉身心、消磨時間

你寫原因的方向是正確的,你的經歷就是你遊說 Peter 的論據,故你經歷寫得好,原因自然有理。

一來操文法,二來就是多培養語感,除了看配搭書外,也可每天看看 BBC News 為學英文的人而設的網站,慢慢吸收正統的英文用法,句式,配搭,用詞等。當你文法上手時,可買本叫 Practical English Usage 的參考書,它寫着不同的英文用法,不明時查一下,非常有用。


2013-07-05 12:40:22 補充:
做做也不錯,反正CE 和AL有那麼多pastpaper,讓自己及早熟習考試之餘,又能測試鞏固所學,一舉兩得。

2013-07-05 12:46:46 補充:

2013-07-05 17:57:46 補充:
參考: 自己
2013-07-05 2:15 am
-------A brief guide-line on Level18 conventional writing---------
Dear Peter;
-----It is sensible for you to become familiar with my last summer camp. Apart from work done, a lot of skills of which I know little are learnt exotically. I know you like water-sport which programme would be on the agenda again next year under the most rigorous modern coaching conditions ! If this does not inspire you to come and join of the 2014, or to embrace the many Girl-Friends that are admittedly attractive,what else would you expect from this Level18 marks conventional writing ?---(xxx).

2013-07-05 11:10:12 補充:
(1)Invite Peter;
(2)Last yr sports camp=work done in camp
----Learnt exotic skills
----People met;
----This yr sports camp=rigorous modern coaching in water-sport
----GF of foreign tourists to learn International English conversation.
----Level of Eng.9**+9**=18** (marks.)in 20 months time.

2013-07-06 17:23:19 補充:
(3)Refering to Tony's running,high-jump; Andy's Bike coaching,Peter will be excited to join the water-sport,hiking,and Eng.
(4)In the dictionary contents,the Appendices have got English Grammar.The main points of paragraphs are:-A paragraph is a section of a piece of writing made up of sme idea.

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