I need help on jealousy feeling?

2013-07-04 4:16 am
Ok i truly hate to feel this feeling but i do feel jealousy when others are getting head in life than mine. I hate the feeling because i know my life is different from theirs but i can't help it to feel this way. and i know we all have our own destiny. How i can stop feeling jealous about others life success. I really want to stop because it is hurting my every day life. I want to not focus in others life but be happy in their success. Please i really need help thanks

回答 (5)

2013-07-04 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
i feel your pain, i've had to deal with that as well. The secret is to spend more "alone time" with Jesus. How? just by reading Paul's letters in the new testament and also reading some christian books by authors like JOYCE MEYER.

I SWEAR if u spend more time alone, shutting the world and pressures of life out and just keep telling yourself "God loves me. He has a plan for me" etc (pls look up Joyce Meyer books online), your mind will begin focusing on You and God's love for u. Then you will gain the upper hand over those feelings of jealousy of others getting ahead and just be excited of God loving and caring about YOU as an INDIVIDUAL.

Please try this even if u don't believe in it. It WORKED for me.
參考: Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
2013-07-04 12:21 pm
you have to understand why you feel jealous about it, and see if you can do something about it.
maybe buy/treat yourself something, set yourself a goal and work towards that (wanting to be as success as the other people). jealousy is a normal feeling, you just have to work hard towards your goal and hopefully one day you may reach your goal someday.
or you could focus your mind on something else, like listening to music, love songs, etc.
although you might be jealous of others life success, you will also have your success soon if you are willing to work hard in the future.
to be happy in their success, you'll have to be happy with yourself first. then things will get better.
how to be happy with yourself? by doing the things you would enjoy in your life. for me, I like listen to love songs. then, the jealousy itself will eventually fade away.
I hope this works for you.
2013-07-04 11:19 am
You can't stop being jealous but maybe you should stop focusing on other peoples lives and start focusing on yours.
2013-07-04 11:19 am
That's a good thing to feel , that jealousy will guide you and motivate you to follow the road to success & once you find success , the jealousy will turn into happiness .
參考: Feel the same way sometimes .
2013-07-04 11:19 am
U shud work hard too. u sud realize tat feelin jealous won't help

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