
2013-07-04 3:11 am

回答 (6)

2013-07-04 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以用 forced to / pressured to 來表達「被逼做一件事」的意思,如:

I am forced to / pressured to take up his duties by my boss. (我硬食一嘢,被老闆逼着接手他的工作。)


I am punched suddenly out of no reasons. (我突然無故被打了一拳,硬食了一嘢。)
I am kicked in the groin all of a sudden by her, not understanding why I face this ill-treatment.(在不清楚原因下,我下面硬食了一嘢,被她踢了。)


2013-07-03 20:16:36 補充:
參考: 自己
2013-07-15 1:18 am
話一個人“bite the bullet" 只可以話佢”bravely face a painful situation",和「硬食一嘢」冇必然聯繫。「硬食」係強調「不忿」嘅意思。
2013-07-12 7:23 am
硬食一嘢 = Bite the bullet
2013-07-05 2:57 am
知識長這樣答? 三個字 - 無眼睇...
2013-07-04 10:17 pm
硬食一嘢 withstand a hard blow with much effort

2013-07-05 20:50:47 補充:
超級博士, 請提意見應該點譯。

2013-07-05 21:53:43 補充:
1. ...5. 你對我作出人身攻擊。」
2013-07-04 4:51 pm
You can try to use had a “hard blow”, or suffered a “hard blow”.這既可以指(1)被打一拳或(2)遭受精神上的打擊。 (1) I had a hard blow when my boss sacked me.我的老闆解僱我時,是一個沉重的打擊。 (2) He suffered a hard blow on his chest.他的胸口被重重一擊。

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