
2013-07-04 1:23 am

I was unable to eat and drink.

回答 (4)

2013-07-04 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
文法正確。可用 SVO 句法來看:

S: I

V: was

O: unable to eat and drink

unable 是個形容詞,而後面的 eat 和 drink 兩個動詞是用來修飾 unable,讓意思完整起來:不能吃和喝。

如果沒有了 eat 和 drink ,只剩 unable 的話,這句就會變成 I was unable,即「我是無能」,而不是「我不能吃和喝」的意思了。


2013-07-03 17:48:24 補充:
另外,其實 eat ''and'' drink 和 eat ''or'' drink 也有意思上的分別:
eat ''and'' drink 暗示了「同時吃和喝東西」;而 eat ''or'' drink 則暗示了「吃東西或喝東西」不會「同時」做這兩件事情。
參考: 自己
2013-07-07 12:42 am
I was unable to eat and drink.= I could not eat and drink (both in past tense)

I am unable to eat and drink= I cannot eat and drink ( both in present tense).
2013-07-04 6:15 pm
文法正確,I was unable to eat and drink. 表示:我不能吃和喝。
參考: me
2013-07-04 5:03 pm
Grammatically, “and” is correct, but as a matter of fact, you can’t eat and drink at the same time, so verbally:
I can't eat or drink.

[ I am unable to eat or drink. is rather formal.]

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