Is manking worth saving?

2013-07-03 5:49 am
If so, WHY are people worth saving?

[In the movie, Man of Steal, the pastor/priest tried to convince Superman that people were worth him risking his life to save. I don't think the priest made the case. Does history show that mankind has any redeeming value? Why would a person outside of the normal choose to save us at the cost of his own life?]

"Only 5% of the population is worth saving." How does know if they are one of the 5% worth saving?


"People are worth saving because we are part of humanity. If we don't save ourselves noone will." I agree that we do have a vested and personal interest in mankind being saved, but no matter how WE try, we seem completely impotent at saving ourselves. Marx proposed a system for making a perfect world, and look at what an ugly mess it turned into [i.e. Lenin/Statlinist Russia, China under Mao, North Korea]. The U.S. often comes off as if its choice of president will make a real difference. Yet, no matter who they elect, ugliness and hardship still exist rather than a beautiful, peaceful world. The process of people trying to fix and save mankind on their own power seems to make matters worse rather than better.

回答 (7)

2013-07-03 5:50 am
A race that condemns itself to destruction is a race that is not worth saving.
2013-07-03 8:18 am
I don't think so, look at how far society has declined.
2013-07-03 6:08 am
Humankind itself doesn't seem to think so. If so, then why does it continue to smoke, drink, snort coke, eat junk "food," over-eat, have sex with anything that moves, and embrace a fast-paced middle-class life? You see, they're doing everything they can to make themselves extinct, and then they claim to want to "save humanity!" Oh, give me a break! ...
2013-07-03 6:27 am
yes, even the worst of man should be saved, but not in this life. nor in this great millenial judgment.

i think even the sons of perdition might be sent to outer darkness to learn what it means to be without a God and love and righteousness. maybe SOME will lose their entire entity and indiviualism before they can be saved. maybe they are sent to outer darkness to wait for a different redeemer and son of God to Go also to be their redeemer and saviour after they have learned to repent? who knows? outer darkness is a mystery and i dont think there is a person on earth except a true prophet, that knows. even the prophet might be saved from knowing such darkness.
anyway. now is the time to repent and build faith. because no one literally wants or desires outer darkness. except maybe those that are stubbornly deceived.
2013-07-03 6:09 am
There are 7 billions of humans at the moment.

No one of those not yet born would care if a total destruction of the planet was occurring today.

"We" the living humans have to enjoy everyday that we have that chance to be here on this planet.
Saving the mankind is not important as again ... those not born will never care if there is no planet tomorrow. Only those already born (7 billions) would loose something. In all cases, each of them should be dead in less than 130 years from now.
2013-07-03 5:52 am
People are worth saving because we are part of humanity.

If we don't save ourselves noone will.
2013-07-03 5:52 am
Hasn't anyone ever helped you out of a predicament?

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