What do I need to consider?

2013-07-03 2:46 am
What do I need to consider when purchasing life insurance?

Anyone heard "MetLife"? I have targeted this insurance company. But before purchasing the life insurance, what do I need to consider apart from price or insurance?

回答 (4)

2013-07-04 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Life insurance is only 1 of the element in the Financial Planning Pyramid. To well protect you & your family, the plan should consist of health protection (medical expenses, critical illness), accident protection & life protection.

If client only have life insurance, he or his family may need to use their reserves if he onset major disease that need to spend over $100,000 for taking operations. Financial planning for the whole family will be seriously affected.

As a professional financial adviser, I suggest you to consult an financial planner before applying any insurance. If need, you can directly contact me for free advice.

Metlife is an insurance firm that founded in USA. However, the company only provide limited range of products for HK market. If you want to tailor-made a comprehensive plan to meet your protection needs, it may not be a good choice for you. Besides, majority of Metlife business in HK rely on tele-sales, you may need to communicate with customer services directly. Without the assistance of agent, you may encounter difficulties when claim is needed.
2013-07-06 3:19 am
Met Life 中文係美商大都會人壽,這間公司在香港規模不算很大,主要是靠 outbound call(外判),亦即是公司沒有 agents。他們外判的主要是住院現金、住院等極少數的保險計劃。
2013-07-03 5:19 am
You need to consider a good agent who can analysis what you need and provide solution.
2013-07-03 3:17 am




你要問下你個顧問應該買幾大 咁當然,要自己有能力供






我覺得咁其實搵自己笨 , 但多數保險公司既顧問都當你有時既時候會出現係你面

前幫你搞好哂D COMP 你只係負責簽名, 唔洗自己煩

因為我唔知大都會係銀行式定保險公司式既運作 所以你睇清楚

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