What option would you prefer about Micro chips is dogs?

2013-07-01 6:21 pm
Would you prefer to buy a dog that is already micro-chipped?
Or would you rather have your Vet do it.

to UnidentifiedHumanBeing; That is certainly a great option, but it will do you no good after a Tornado, earth quake or if you lost your pet on vacation. To all others: What if the breeder will register it to the new owner up on purchase?

回答 (5)

2013-07-01 6:25 pm
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Well In Canada if you are buying a purebred dog they are micro chipped by the breeders with chips purchased from the CKC (they are injected by vets and the chip must go with the registration paper the chip was issued to.-that way, if the owner can't be found then the breeder is listed and they have info in their files on who the dog was sold to)..Some dogs already have chips in so that option is not there, Info on the chip can be changed to a new owner so it really doesn't matter.
2013-07-02 1:24 am
I would rather my vet do it because if he already has one he could be traced to the other home if he get lost
2013-07-02 1:27 am
I prefer my vet to do it. If you have a dog with a microchip already, it could get traced back to it's previous home.. Not to yours.
2013-07-02 1:31 am
It is only about $35 for a dog to be microchipped. I could care less if the dog was microchipped or not. My dogs have id tags on their collars at all time and they don't have many chances to get lost. I have always wanted to get them done just as an extra precaution just have not gotten around to it.

As far as who is actually injecting the microchip, I'd rather a vet or vet tech do that.
2013-07-02 1:23 am
micro chips dont do nothing unless someome takes ur dog to places to scan the chip. best thing is to go to bestbuy and get a tracking gps system for your dog so if it runs away, you can find it

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