I have split with my partner, our child will be living with me, can I stay in the home but will he contribute?

2013-07-01 3:31 pm
Me and my partner of 15 years have split (We are not married). Our 10 year old son will be remaining with me, we both own the house (joint mortgage), it is on the market but I wish to remain there but may struggle with the payments and bills. What payments will he have to make and what benefits am I entitled to so that it may be made easier?

He is completely unreasonable and we are unable to hold a civil conversation, so talking it through with him is out of the question.

回答 (4)

2013-07-01 3:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's totally up to you guys. You'll have to sit down and work up an agreement.
2013-07-02 2:36 am
You may be able to claim Mortgage Relief after 6 months or so through the Council. I suggest speaking to them about your situation.

You ex-partner is legally obliged to pay CSA towards his child (less if he has children with other partners) and there are calculators online to work out how much a court would expect him to pay. I would suggest doing one then posting a copy of the print out to him if you can't talk to him. If he gets a new partner their income is irrelevant.

I would suggest that an amicable arrangement would be for him to make the mortgage payments + additional help as and when is neccessary, e.g. school trips at short notice, and for you to pay all other bills.

Assuming you are not in work you will be entitled to JSA (£71pw) + Child Tax Credit (£60pw) + Child Benefit (£20pw). You will also be entitled to council tax reduction which should mean you have to pay none at all until you return to work but you may have to pay some if it is a big house.

If you are in work it depends on your income.
2013-07-01 10:35 pm
As you both own the property, you should involve a solicitor to ensure everything is done legally, and fairly. This doesn't mean you can't reach an amicable agreement and just use a solicitor to legalise everything, but you should do it formally.
參考: Divorced after 12 years and left not only holding the baby, but paying all of the bills. He didn't even pay child support. I eventually had to buy him out of the property (even though he hadn't contributed for years) because I didn't seek legal assistance in the beginning. I also discovered you can't claim child support retrospectively - well I could, but it would have to have been pursued separately and I was done, both emotionally and financially.
2013-07-01 10:34 pm
You need to ask these questions of your lawyer. To go through this without legal counsel is a terrible mistake.

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