
2013-07-01 8:44 pm
When my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I hurt my finger when I was sewing.


回答 (7)

2013-07-01 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
從讀者角度看,我不覺得意思很模糊,但因為前後都有 when,所以覺得有些不通順罷了。

其次,我覺得你可用 while 來代替 when,因為 while 是指一個過程,而是 when 指於某一點時間所發生的事情,cooking 和 sewing 都是一個過程(這些事一般不會在一刻就能完成),所以用 while 會好一些。

While my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I was sewing and hurt my finger. (當我的丈夫在廚房煮食的時候,我正在縫紉並弄傷了手指。)


2013-07-01 13:27:45 補充:
當然你可像 no3lunch 大大說般簡單地不要第一句,但這就可能少了你想表達的意思,所以要衡量一下。
參考: 自己
2013-07-02 6:20 am
When my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I hurt my finger when I was sewing. - people understand what you mean but it will be better if we rewirte it as following

When my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I hurt my finger during sewing
2013-07-02 3:30 am
When my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I hurt my finger sewing.
2013-07-01 9:33 pm
Such Unsure Bi Saying ?
================> 23
Su chun su re bi sa ying =

2013-07-01 13:38:04 補充:
English Unsure Bi Saying 26
==================> ?
==================> 23
Eng li shun su re bi sa ying =
參考: Bi Saying Putonghua 23, Answer English Identity Our Usage ?
2013-07-01 9:08 pm
2013-07-01 9:07 pm
When my husband was cooking in the kitchen, I hurt my finger when I was sewing.

參考: me
2013-07-01 9:04 pm


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