
2013-07-01 10:39 pm


A: Hey, I need to talk to u

B: Sure what's up

A: I've kinda had this crush on you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime

B: Omg...omg...omg....

A: What???????

B: U just made it out of friend zone

重點是我不懂最後一句話的意思 為什麼這個B要這麼回答呢?

意思是她也喜歡他 還是 拒絕了? 單字都懂但是意思不懂實在很惱人><


網友A: The man who made it out of the friend zone deserves the most amazing reward ever. He did the impossible.

網友B: (claps all around for the bro) he made out of the friend zone also first

網友C: Funny how she knew he was in the friend zone


To 安潔 其他的我都懂 只是不懂"U just made it out of friend zone"的意思! male it out 或許是什麼片語? 辜狗翻譯都會直翻 不可行吶>

回答 (3)

2013-07-02 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: Hey, I need to talk to u
B: Sure what's up
A: I've kinda had this crush on you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime
B: Omg...omg...omg....
A: What???????
B: U just made it out of friend zone

A: 嗨,我要跟妳談談。
B: 行,啥事?
A: 我有點戀上妳,好一陣了,我在想妳要不要找個時間出來。
B: 噢,天哪,天那,天哪.....
A: 什麼、什麼?
B: 你成功脫離純友誼區了!

這不是拒絕,這是女生表示驚訝,高興死了! 顯然這位小姐早就等著他來約。

片語 make it 是 「成功達成」 的意思。 out of friend zone 就是 「脫離純友誼區」,進入親蜜關係,更進一步就是肉體關係。 所以回應的網友才說這是 「達成不可能的任務」。

網友A: The man who made it out of the friend zone deserves the most amazing reward ever. He did the impossible.
這位成功脫離純友誼區的老兄值得這最偉大的回報! 他達成了不可能的任務。

網友B: (claps all around for the bro) he made out of the friend zone also first

網友C: Funny how she knew he was in the friend zone
怪了,她怎麼知道他是在 「純友誼區」。
2013-07-01 11:57 pm
make it out=understand/ see it

2013-07-01 10:44 pm
A:嘿 我想跟你說話
B:當然 怎麼了

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