
2013-06-30 8:51 pm
我想問.用英文說 突然傳出好香味道.... 英文應該點講?

回答 (6)

2013-06-30 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A pleasant scent, suddenly, comes out of nowhere.

All of a sudden, the air is filled with a pleasant scent coming from somewhere.

''Hey, can you smell the scent? It smells good.''


參考: 自己
2013-07-01 9:23 pm
Suddenly, I smell a good scent.

2013-07-01 13:24:35 補充:
scent = smell (n.)
參考: me
2013-07-01 6:15 pm
It seemed to me that there was a nice smell generated from somewhere.
參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press 1975
2013-06-30 10:08 pm
好香食物味道very tasty flavour
好香氣味very aromatic fragrance
好香味道very sweet smell
2013-06-30 9:49 pm
英文問題什麼說突然傳出好香味道A good smell comes at a sudden !
2013-06-30 9:37 pm
Concentrate on smelling only:-
Suddenly outcome of pleasnat-smelling (n) on the odour.(n)

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