They drop from the trees
like snipers shot -
just seconds ago camouflaged
by leaf and shadow.
They wait,
They watch,
till I come with sustinence.
The battle begins!
Blue Jays first
Squirrels second.
Blue Jay pilots zero in,
peck at squirrels' heads
and fly off with stolen booty.
Cardinals come in crimson
their dull brown wives eat first.
Titmice mind their own business
and just peck around the outskirts.
Those doves,of course ,
keep their distance
biding their time
sauntering around unfettered
until the melee is over.
One crow squawks,and the rest
of the murder follows
to dip the bread bits in birdbath soup
their favored entrée.
A red tailed hawk hovers above,
the Red Baron of the skies
and all disappear again.