If 60 secs equals 1 min and 60 min equals 1 hr, then how much does 60 hrs equal?

2013-06-29 5:09 pm
BQ: and how much does 103 mins equal?
I need to know this for phone purposes.

Sorry ppl I meant to say how much does 60 hrs equal in days. And as for the BQ I meant how much does 103 mins equal in hrs. Thanks for the help! :-)

回答 (10)

2013-06-29 5:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
360 Minutes?

and Hour and 43 minutes
參考: brain/calculator
2013-07-07 7:18 am
2 and a half days, and 103 minutes is 1 hour and 43 minutes
2013-06-29 6:41 pm
60 hrs equals 2 1/2 days.

103 mins equals 1 hour 43 mins.
2013-07-07 4:28 pm
60 hrs = 5 days
2013-06-29 5:16 pm
In what units do you want 60 hrs to be converted to? My choice would be to express it as 2.5 days.

103 min = 1 hr 43 min
2013-06-29 5:15 pm
What are you trying to find out ?

How many minutes are in 60 hours ? All you have to do is multiply 60 by 60 and you get 3600. So there is 3600 minutes in 60 hours.

EDIT: If you want to figure out how many days is 60 hours. Just take how many hours are in a day which is 24 then divide 60 hours by 24 and it's 2.5. So two days and a half.
2013-06-29 5:13 pm
60 hours(60 min/1hour)(60 sec/1 min)
=216,000 seconds
2013-06-29 5:12 pm
I'm not sure what you're asking. How much does 60 hours equal in terms of what?

One day is 24 hours, so 60 hours is 2.5 days, or 3600 minutes, or 216,000 seconds.

103 minutes is about 1.72 hours or 0.072 days, or is 6180 seconds.
2013-06-29 5:11 pm
Two and a half days.
2013-06-29 5:10 pm
"How much does 60 hours equal?"
In what type of unit?

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