provide with/ tap into?

2013-06-29 5:27 am
I wrote

"This research is believed to provide studies of ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism with new insights"

or should that be

"This research is believe to tap into studies of ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism for new insights."

Any suggestion?


回答 (2)

2013-06-29 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果你想說「這研究相信是利用 ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism 之學術研究以找出新的看法」,我認為你應該用 tap into 那一句(This research is believed to tap into studies of ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism for new insights),因為 tap into 的意思是「利用,開發」。

但假如你是想說「這研究相信能為 ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism 之學術研究帶來新的看法」,我就認為你應該用 provide with 那一句 (This research is believed to provide studies of ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism with new insights),因為 provide A with B 有「為 A 提供 B」之意,故此在這裏它有「為 ethnic entrepreneurship and international tourism 之學術研究提供新的看法」的意思。

參考: 自己
2013-07-04 7:12 pm
(1) If this is your own research, why you still use "is believed" for your own research?
(2) Try to be specific:
This research aims to study the (history of/significance of the) ethnic entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, and its impacts on international tourism/local tourist industry/ local

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