
2013-06-28 7:46 pm
請問有冇人知呢個點解?(what the hell?)

回答 (5)

2013-06-28 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what the hell 是 informal 的口語,主要有幾個用法:

1. 問眼前發生了甚麼,通常是當你覺得眼前的事很荒誕時用。What the hell (is happening here)?

2. 表示不清楚對方的話,暗示要求對方重複一遍,通常那話是令你驚訝或難以置信。What the hell (are you talking about)?

3. 表示震驚。What the hell!

4. 表示泄氣,悔氣話,尤其遇到不順時。What the hell...


2013-06-28 13:20:33 補充:
其實 what the hell 已不算是粗口,what the f**k 才算吧。
參考: 自己
2013-06-28 8:09 pm
The English is self-explanatory:-"What the hell" means:-
A swearword of foul language ,curse for anyone for underworld not Heaven=eternal punishment.
2013-06-28 11:13 pm
What the hell? = 豈有此理?
2013-06-28 9:27 pm
What the hell?
參考: me
2013-06-28 8:29 pm
發怒時用的說話- 不斯文的

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