tired of my life sick of being lonely?

2013-06-28 5:41 am
okay so for as long as i can rember i always pretended to be someone else like that's all i do i walk up and down my room listening to music and live a lie how do i stop it and love myself and make myself look and feel better

回答 (8)

2013-06-28 6:01 am
try to join in clubs and activities that you're interested in, if you're interested in groups.
talk to your friends/classmates/colleagues for advice.
for personal care, have a nice hair cut from a hairdresser to look better.
listen to pop songs on youtube, that'll make you feel better.
have some fun with computer games as well, if you are interested.
check out jedi knight files(star wars) for mods and games at gamefront.com
search for jk3 files, then you'll find the game/mods.
visit toy store for more fun & games!
but most importantly, chill out with your friends/classmates to have some fun! :)
participate in gaming activities like sport or something, e.g. playing tennis
good luck :)
2013-06-28 5:49 am
Sit quietly and allow yourself to exhale. Write down three things you like about yourself and really focus on whatever they be, really appreciate and embrace what you have as opposed to what is not in your life. Living in a fantasy world temporarily is harmless and many people do just that, but to stay that way all the time can be detrimental to your overall well-being.

This comes down to choice and how you want to live your life. Make some small but important changes to your routine from this point onwards. Look at your lifestyle, your diet, what you are doing with your spare time, the people you hang out with and how you connect with people. Only you know what you want to do in this life so look at all your options. Perhaps join a local community group of like-minded people, volunteer somewhere on a regular basis, engage in some part-time study online. The choices are endless so start looking. Personally, think about who you want in your life, look at anyone negative in your current circle and make some changes with that relationship. Most importantly, believe in yourself. What you put out in the world comes back to you, so if you believe in you others will too.

Be patient with the process but believe it can happen for YOU.
2013-06-29 5:34 pm
Those who judge themselves & others have no time to love themselves & others !

Once you become non-judgmental you will feel at-ease to make new friends without the burden of expectations & disappointments.

If you want to continue labeling others & yourself than you know the fact..of how sad & lonely you already feel !
Good luck
2013-06-28 3:44 pm
Get some paper, markers, and scissors, and tape.

You're going to make a "thought bubble" or cloud, - like when you read what a character in a comic book is thinking.

Write on it: "I am a unique masterpiece, created by God, and He thinks I'm a work of art! He's given me unique talents and skills, and is eager for me to discover and use them!"

Now, place this on a mirror you see every day: bathroom / bedroom closet door / school locker / car vanity mirror / compact mirror in your purse, etc...

You could try saying this, out loud, when no-one is around: "Great Creator, please help me discover you, and help me discover why you've created me and given me the miracle of life."
2013-06-28 12:06 pm
Hey Jasmine,

I can only speak from my own experiences, but I have found for me that the most important thing in my life, above everything else, is my relationship with my thoughts. Because that impacts on how I look at the world.

My advice for is to learn how to develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts.

You create your own reality, your thoughts create your perspective, which flow on to how you feel, how you act and what sort of impact that has on your day to day.

We see the world in the way that we are, not the way that the world is and if you can change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change. So everything in life is about your perspective and figuring out how to look at things in the best light for you (everyone is unique).

Be careful how you look at life, because that's how it will be. And life comes in waves, it's all about learning how to surf.

I'm not any kind of professional so I can't comment on whether seeing a professional is an option - it could be an option for where you're at. But from my perspective those kind of things are only good at treating things on the surface kind of area (which can be a good way to start), dealing with the different manifestations/symptoms of similar core issues.

Core issues being some kind of imbalance with your relationship between you and your thoughts…

Your mind is a tool that you need to learn how to use otherwise it will use you. It'll paint all kinds of pictures about how bad your life is, the terrible things that have happened, the unfortunate situation etc etc. You need to learn how to use the mind like a tool and observe master it, otherwise it will use you. This isn't the sort of thing that they teach us in school…

You are not your thoughts and you can't necessarily control your thoughts as much as you can control the ocean. It's about becoming more aware of your thinking, observing your mind objectively, without attachment and developing a stronger relationship with it to take the best action for you at that given time.

Think more epic, be more epic. It all starts with thought.

Life is about 10% what happens to you, things that are outside of your control, then 90% how you CHOOSE to react to it. You can't control life or other people, the only thing that you can control is your reaction to them.

Without the thought that there is a problem, there is no problem, it's all how you look at it. As Captain Jack Sparrow says, "The problem is not the problem, the problem is your reaction to the problem. Do you understand?"

I've put together video series called the 'Think Epic Principles' and at http://thinkepic.net/principles/ of simple concepts and ideas to help you develop a stronger relationship with your thoughts. Please go along and check them out there is more coming out every week, they could be what you're looking for.

Approach everything with an open mind but no so open that your brain falls out all over the floor. I'm not asking anyone to believe what I say, but take it with a grain of salt and think for yourself. But whatever is said (whether it was me, Ghandi, friends or family, a homeless person etc) if it aligns with you feel free to accept it, if it doesn't don't. But do seek to understand different perspectives. Just because you can understand something, does not mean you have to accept it.

If you find the videos useful or if you have any questions please fire me an email through the site, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts as I've just launched the website to help people develop a stronger relationship with their thoughts - if they want to. Any feedback would be much appreciated, the more honest the better :)

Thanks and good luck!
2013-06-28 5:50 am
Ha ha take me to you. Just joking. .
Why not you take friends. And go to play games.
2013-06-28 5:44 am
Be water my friend. Take one day at a time. You dont have to be M. Perfect. I am kinda like you I keep by myself and a little anti social. But I dont care. Let the time flow and relax.
2013-06-28 5:44 am
Doggone u's gotta believe in's u's selves listen to that music let it drown out the sorrow. Doggone

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