english promblems

2013-06-27 7:56 pm
ear Sir /Madam:
本 人為貴校 BN007 Bachelor Art with Honours in Accounting and Finance ( Year 2 ) 之學生,現本人就有關 本學年年終考核安排 及 監考員行為 作出投訴,由於本人患有輕度讀書障礙,故上學年已有向校方提交證明,而校方為本人安排個別考試,但今個學年,早前本人向校方提交有關之證明讓校方能為本人 作出合適之考核安排加長考試時間。

早前貴校以電子郵件通知本人,接納了本人加長考核時間的安排,以及在考核期間每 45 考核分鐘 有 小休 5 分鐘,但校方並沒有通知本人會安排與其他同學一起考核,事由4月30日 Management Accounting ,5月2日 Advanced Financial Accounting ,5月7日 Law for Accountants 之考核,當本人回校如常到考試場地準備,後來才發現校方並沒有為本人安排個別考試,使本人考試表現欠佳

在 4月30日 Management Accounting ,5月2日 Advanced Financial Accounting ,5月7日 Law for Accountants 考試,監考員沒有通知本人每45 分鐘之小休時間 ,以及監考員於監考期間凝視本人於考核期間的某些動作 ( 如:抓癢 ,伸展手腳 ,以便舒緩肌肉及筋腱不適 ) ,令本人感到不自然

4月30日 Management Accounting 之考核由 Jenkin PE 導師監考在考核期間監考員於考試場地內突然高聲通知某位同學可以離坐去洗手間 , 而當時監考員並沒有考慮是否影響到其他考生的表現和感受

現本人望校方對安排上述有關是次考核之安排,而令本人考核表現欠佳,及有可能令本人未能達到合格晉升 Year 3 之升班要求,估本人特意此函如本人考核不合格或成績不獲重考之資格,都可特意獲得重考機會

回答 (2)

2013-06-28 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir / Madam,

Complaints about Improper Examination Arrangements

I am a Year 2 student of BN007 Bachelor Art with Honors in Accounting and Finance, who now wants to lodge complaints about the year end assessment arrangements and the behaviour of the invigilators. Because of my mild reading disorder, I submitted the proof of my disorder to the school last year, and the school arranged an individual examination for me. So earlier this year, I also submitted the proof to the school so that they can make appropriate assessment arrangements and extend the examination time for me.
Then, the school notified me by e-mail that they had accepted my request of extending the examination time, as well as that of a five minutes break every 45 minutes during the examination. But the school did not inform me that I would be taking the examination with other students. Later, on April 30, May 2 and May 7,when I went to the examination venue to prepare for the Management Accounting, Advanced Financial Accounting and Law for Accountants examinations on these days respectively, I found that the school did not arrange individual examinations for me. As a result, I performed poorly in the examinations.
Moreover, during the aforementioned examinations, the invigilators did not remind me of the break every 45 minutes. And the invigilators kept gazing at me at times like when I scratched myself or stretched my hands to relieve the muscle and tendon discomfort. This made me feel so uncomfortable.
On top of that, during the Management Accounting examination on April 30 invigilated by teaching staff Mr Jenkin PE, some of the invigilators shouted loudly in a sudden during the examination at the examination venue to inform a particular student that he was allowed to leave his seat and went to the lavatory, without considering whether or not the shouting would affect the other students' performance and feelings.(後面還有,請看意見)

2013-06-27 16:38:03 補充:
I hope the school would grant me the opportunity to retake the examinations, in case my examination results are poor due to the school's examination arrangements, which might render me fail to meet the requirements to get promoted to Year 3,

2013-06-27 16:38:57 補充:
even though I fail in certain examinations or am not qualified for retaking the examination.

Thank you for your consideration. I believe the school always cares about the special needs of students and emphasizes the fairness of examinations, so I am confident that you would make the right decision

2013-06-27 16:39:15 補充:
here. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours faithfully,
(Your name)
參考: 自己
2013-07-04 8:15 pm
(1) Write your letter to your programme director with his name,
not to Sir/Madam,
(2) Do not use the words “complaint” or “complain”, use “grievance”, “am aggrieved” etc when needed.
(4) Provide all your student number/program number/subject number references. Attach all copies and your current medical certificate.
(5) Do mention the Mr. So & So who replied you this year and/or last year.
(6) Skip all reference to your scratching, farting, peeing and other annoying behaviour hostile to your invigilator and other readers, unless you have a valid medical reason.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:32:03
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