We cannot change someone, but we can change oneself?

2013-06-26 11:12 am
Hello reader,

It's been almost 3 years that I am with a man and he is really the dreamy person. He's handsome but modest, smart and very popular, incredibly ambitious but so inspiring. It was love at first sight: he didn't expect to meet someone like me and same thing for me. He is +10yrs than me.

He decided to go in a business school in Singapore 6 months after we met. He left me and stayed there for 8 months at the other "corner" of the world. We kept contact via skype or facebook. I just began a job and couldn't have any holidays to see him. He came back near where I worked after 6 months and was still working in his business school (8 months on a campus, 4 months in another campus). We spent 4 wonderful months, we tried to see each other as much as we could, I really have many nice memories of this period.

When his graduated ceremony approached, I learned in a random conversation with some of his friends (who didn't know I was his girlfriend) that his dream was to go back to Singapore - while he said to me "don't worry, I'm gonna find a job near where you live". I asked him if I could follow him over there and he replied that "the life I'm gonna have there is not a life for you". Aww, that hurts a lot especially after one year and a half of "relationship / long distance relationship". I felt betrayed and told him

He went back to Singapore. He stayed there for 8 months and once again, we had weekly Webcam. Months after months, I forgave him and said to him "follow your dreams and ambitions but always remember me". It was very painful for me and I cried a lot, I knew he was having a super-incredible time there (going to Bali, many VIP parties with all the pictures I could see on facebook...)

And then he came back one morning and visit me. He said to me he had very hard time there in Singapore and it wasn't easy for him. He found a job not too far from where I live (only two hours by train) but now, he doesn't find time to see me. He says he's a popular person, he's got lots of people to meet (to develop his "network"), he has a very good job in one of the greatest company in the world and think, drink and dream business. I've been so devoted to him, so crazy about him, I dreamed so many nights about him, I waited so many hours alone and all those sacrifices for this : I see him once every month and a half. I thought our story could be different and I'm wondering if it's gonna work or not. Many of my friends said I'm an incredible person, creative and talented with a big heart but he really abuses of my generosity.

I would like him to change, but we can't change people... I said to him I suffer a lot to be in a relationship with a "ghost" and he said he's gonna work on himself, that he doesn't have a right balance between the business world and me, that he doesn't want to lose me. Some days, he says that "every good thing has an end, even the most beautiful things" and for sure, our story will end one day.

All those months away developed in him an incredible desire of power and ambition (and selfishness?) I can't believe he's that negative regarding us, he sees us like a statistic among other statistics of his life. I would love to make him changes, but how? And how can I accept to live with someone who has this point of view in life? I know I should live him, but trust me there are so many feelings behind this relation. It would kill a part in me - forgive me if I look that dramatic.

Please give me your feedbacks, it will help me.

回答 (5)

2013-06-26 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
hello questioner,
relationship that makes you unhappy is unworthy. he is clearly doesnt had any good intention with you, not giving clear clarification about marry with you in the future too. you should left him, there are still many good guys out there and you deserve to be happy.
2013-06-27 9:16 am
I believe that he isn't right for you, you had your wonderful time together and now its over, you can't hang around waiting for someone who can't offer you what you need in terms of a relationship. I think that you should try moving on with no bitterness, you may find each over again! :)
2013-06-26 12:13 pm
It is a sad story, life could be hard at times.
maybe he's busy with work - you two could still work out sometime to meet for a dinner to talk about things. you need to talk to him, tell him you would love him to make the changes.
tell him what he should have lived in your mind. you two should have a talk with things.
then things will work out. but I am sure things are not as simple as I think, I am just making it simpler, not complicated, otherwise things will get itself messed up.
so live simple, don't think too much. if you have talked to him, and realise it cannot be changed, just accept it and move on with your life. that's all you can do about it. Learning to forgive is the first step to happiness.
2013-06-26 11:26 am
its easier for one to give advice then it it for a person to run ones own life.

so i can give your advice but at the end of the day its only advice.

its scary to be lonely and if you found someone the makes you feel good about your self keep him.

sometimes you have to look out for number one and that's you so i say talk to more people and find a compatible person that is there for you.

right now your man is trying to live a dream everything else second.
2013-06-26 11:21 am
It seems he has moved on in his life, and that he has little time for you. Trying to change him would be worse than a waste of time, it would be annoying to him and very frustrating to you. You are a good person, with a lot to offer. Since he is so involved in his world, which you are not able to share, and you still love him, the best thing for you would be to give him some space. Move on with your life, and be open to finding another great guy. Don't settle for less than you had with him back when he had the time for you, but LET HIM GO. You are wasting your time and thinking that he will change is counter productive. I know, letting go is the hardest thing, but face it, he's left you no choice in that matter. Keep your heart open, and I hope you find love, laughter and music in your life.

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