Feeling really alone, depressed and like i can't live in this world?

2013-06-26 9:00 am
I'm 20. I was working as a waitress at this Vietnamese place that my older brother works at and he knew i was jobless so he helped me out. I was slower to catch onto things and would make a few mistakes. What also doesn't help is i am quite mousy, timid and unconfident so i was always seen lower to the workers who never spoke to me. I just felt really out of place and unwanted. I did the job well but after 3 months i quit.

Apparently they wanted to sack me ages ago but the only reason they didn't is because of my brother. They said that i thought the world was against me and i didn't wanna help myself. It really hurt to know they didn't want me there for ages but just kept me there cos of my brother. It makes me glad i left.

I feel like i can't get by in this life being me, I'm always looked down on. I've been applying for other jobs and it's been a struggle to find a new job. I'm really sensitive so i take rejection pretty hard. My brother says i need to grow thicker skin and just get on with things otherwise I'm gonna crumble in this world. I just want to die because i find this all really hard.

回答 (3)

2013-06-26 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dieing isn't the solution but finding a way to make things better for you is. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life isn't that hard if you have a sense of wanting to do things that will help you. You said your brother said to grow thicker skin, in a way he is right. But the way to grow thicker skin is to go to college, take some classes in psychology & sociology, so you can learn to deal with people and learn how to handle situations. It will not only help you but it will make you stronger, tougher and smarter. From there take more courses in other areas and maybe you will find something you like and want to work in, with the goal to get your degree or certificate so you can work in that field.

Hope this helps.
2013-06-26 4:20 pm
the world is against us? that's terrible. It is tough, I know.
I felt terrible about this right now and I hope things will get better soon.
life is hard, get over it!
you are not alone; I am sure we can find a way out of this thing.
you can make it through this, you just need to believe in yourself.
believe, achieve goodness and happiness in our lives.
Life can be hard at times, but don't let the ego control you; you can still make the best out of it.
As you change, the situation will automatically changes.
Be strong. you can do it. Good luck, buddy.
2013-06-26 4:04 pm
I feel like that from time to time. ALOT. My family always tell me bullcrap that gets to my heart. Your never alone. No matter how much you feel like it. Cry it out and tell yourself to toughen up for the next day. I don't know what to do about the whole job thing cause I'm not old enough to have a job yet. So it sucks. -.- just try your hardest and you'll get through. Never give up. :)

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