passive voice 問題

2013-06-26 7:35 pm
如何知道一個動詞是否有passive voice

e.g appear並沒有 passive voice

回答 (4)

2013-06-28 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常來說,要看一個動詞是否有passive voice,就要看這個動詞是否能作及物動詞,如:

love可以作及物動詞,所以,我們會說I love you
就因為它可作及物動詞,故就有被動語氣,如:You are loved.


He died.這個die沒有及物動詞用法,故也就沒有passive voice.
Fish swim.這個swim是不及物動詞,故也就沒有passive voice.


Horses run(run作跑的意思,是不及物動詞)
He run his business very well(run作經營是及物動詞,所以有passive voice )

還有一些不及物動詞,加上介詞或副詞後成為片語動詞,會變成及物動詞,這時,也會有passive voice

如:look down on如:
  Why are mentally retarded people always looked down on?

2013-06-26 10:55 pm
根據你上一個問題,我猜你是想問「在文法上,一個動詞是否有 passive voice」,而不是「在內容上,一個動詞是否有 passive voice」吧?

很遺憾地,並沒有一個方法/捷徑去得知在文法上一個動詞是否具有 passive voice,這要靠背誦,多看些文章,慢慢讓自己記住哪些動詞有 passive voice,哪些無。

找了一個關於「不具備 passive voice 之動詞」的 list,希望對你有用:
參考: 自己
2013-06-26 10:02 pm


2013-06-26 9:58 pm
Present tense

1) I see a movie
A movie is seen by me - Passive voice

2) Mary buys a new handbag.
A new handbay is bought by Mary.

Past tense

1) I saw Mary on my way home yesterday.
Mary was seen by me on my way home yesterday.

Present Perfect tense (Past perfect tense)
1) I have seen Mary on my way home ( have / has - had)
Mary has been seen by me on my way home

2) They have played basket ball
The basket ball has been played by them

Present continuous tense
I am watching TV
TV is being watched by me

She/ He is watching TV
TV is being watched by her/ him

They/you/we are playing football
The football is being played by them/you/ us.

The dog is barking at the strangers
The strangers are being barked by the dog.

The dress is sold = Passvie voice in present tense
The dress was sold = Passive voice in past tense

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