What's the point? Depressing but I'd like hearing others thoughts?

2013-06-26 7:42 am
One simple question that is pretty depressing but is the one thing that still brings me down.(I'm currently recovering from self harm) What is the poin tin relationships, caring about people, having feelings, special moments, and mutual emotions towards eachother, all the effort put forth, and the time you put into it...What's the point of developing any of it with someone else if you're going to get hurt in the end, and the stronger you feel, the more you hurt. Even if they don't leave you, they'll die and you'll be left in pain, or you'll die leaving them in pain...I don't see what's so worth it just to get hurt in the end anyway?

回答 (6)

2013-06-26 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The point is whatever you choose to make it for yourself.

You choose what you think and believe about others, and regardless of how they actually are, you will see exactly what you look for in them.

You will choose to find all the good or bad points about them you want. You will choose to find reasons not to be close to anyone, and you'll create the excuses you use to hide behind and rationalize your choices.

It's your life and your world, you will make it exactly what and how you choose for it to be.
2013-06-26 7:51 am
love conquers everything and as they say better to have lived and loved than never to have loved at all - We are goign to get hurt no matter what sort of life we lead so its a good idea to start hurting a little bit just to get used to it hurt without love is unbearable. Transferring enotional hurts to physical hurts is a very temporary job- Learnign to hurt with honour is what gets us through - bearing the pain until it goes- thepain sadly is what helps us get over the pain and there is no other easy route.
參考: Ex abused child ex cutter
2013-06-26 8:08 am
Great question.. many ask this at one point in their life. You are not alone. But let me tell you, you are to special of a person to take it out on yourself. I have always been that person that is after a serious relationship. You know, someone who will stick by your side through the good and bad and have a lot of fun times with you. Then help you through the harder times.

Well here is the truth.. it is going to take a lot of patience on your end. People tend to suck at long term relationships when they are under 20. Some 30 year olds even suck.

I had two long term relationships I went into. Each time I was in for the long haul no matter what. To my surprise the first one ended one year in. Wow.. at that point we knew each other so well inside and out. It was shocking that they left. And why? Who knows.. most people think another person they care for. But the truth is it may be because most people arent ready to be done dating around. Not with you or that new person.

I went into my second long term relationship after that.. to my surprise I was cheated on on my one year anniversary. I confirmed it with the guy and said.. okay. He said "Wow your really calm, dont you care?". I just told him, it was in her hands. What am I going to do about it. Id like to say at that point I didn't care.. but after a year with anyone day and night your so attached, it kills you. It physically hurts. It even hurts the cheating person.. they have memories to.

Anyway... yeah it sucks the big one.

Well I am now in the best relationship of my life. It is my third "major" relationship. Everything is great. I can see major differences in this person and she doesnt have the bad traights I so blindly didnt see in the other person. I have learnt a lot. Now I am just almost 2 years in. I am in love with this person. Just like the other people, I "know she'd never hurt or leave me". But here is the difference. I have learnt a ton. I also have new priotitys in my life. Before I was all about the fancy car and the money. Now I am about being happy and not having drama. This girl is the #1 priority in my life and I think thats what I always wanted. The difference is.. this girl is about me making her the #1 priority. She isnt about the car or the money. She actually suggested I sell the "hot rod" when I met her and I did months later. I now have a nice car thas paid of and someone who loves me. Not something else thats in my life (could be anything).

Take these relationships as life lessons. Go in and realize, this person probably sucks and will be gone in a month. Enjoy the sex, enjoy the dates, enjoy the company well you watch netflix. But realize.. this is the next life lesson that is preparing you for the love of your life.

Dont hurt anymore.. because trust me I've been there. But it is worth it. Hang in there.
2013-06-26 8:13 am
Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Read "The Missing Piece" by Shell Silverstein. He explains it very well.
2013-06-26 8:07 am
you need to spend time in it, otherwise there'll be nothing else left in your life.
It is your life, you'll have to make the best out of it. The effort you put forth creates the meaning of life, that's where the meaning of life is, it is not about the reward or the return. give out as you have never done it before gives you the perfect reflection of who you are - and also your own personality develops through that. it is worth it, because there are so much happy moments in life we deserve to discover and treasure with. and remember, having feelings is part of your life, it is important, I mean those feelings are important, they are part of your life. And also the special moments, you remember them, yeah? when I was young I had happy moments at my birthday, and my computer games moments with my friends. The mutual emotions towards each other creates a bond, where happiness lies, creating more of the meaning of life - the interactions between people and thoughts.
Throughout the darkest hours, you realise life isn't all about money and stuffs - it's about love, relationships with one other, and the effort we put in to create our dreams.
2013-06-26 7:51 am
The expierence it worth it youve lived this tine i think nobody wants to die emotionless

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